
Topic: Strategy

Logo & Marketing Release Form/template

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been searching for a general guideline or template of an addendum to our sales contract to authorize use of logo on website, case study, publications etc. (it is in our contracts, but a means of covering ourselves).

Also, I am looking for an addendum to the sales contract for when we give deep discounts to have them commit to doing numerous marketing activities as a result of their discount - a marketing release form.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction or am I researching the wrong info? Your help would be much appreciated!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    For third party usage verbiage, I would review Oracles site -- . They have good information you can consider and fit to your situation -- particularly the mention of proper usage, file acquisition, etc.

    Can't help you on the marketing release form -- good luck!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Perhaps you should look at Adobe's permissions and trademarks page for inspiration.

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