
Topic: Strategy

How A New Product Line Should Be Launched In It

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are system integrator and hardware, turnkey solution provider, hardware and software vendor in Pakistan. We have 3 branches in 3 main cities. We recently got the dealership of HP Servers, PCs and laptops. What could be the best strategy/approach to launch HP product line?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    For a start, I would be surprised is HP didn't assist you in some way if they were asked, businesses like that pump a lot of money into their distributer network usually to assist in marketing effort!

    FIrst you need to understand what you have ... whats unique/special or attractive about the deal you have secured with HP? Does it save clients money, help them be more productive, is it more secure or more reliable ?
    Once you know what you have and how it answers the concerns or needs of the market then you can start to launch them!

    You need to decide when you have a small, descreet launch or a huge, smoke and mirrors type launch ... this will mainly depend on how special these solutions are, and how much you need to explain to your target market!

    Then get out to the market :-)
  • Posted on Author
    I am highly thankfull to all the rerspondants for their professional approach and advise!

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