
Topic: Strategy

Easy Jet

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi i need to present aswot about easy jer in my work, I work at arkia lines in Israel/
i alredy startes the swot analyses but i Had difficulties in finding the oppurtunities and threats of the company
can you help me with this question
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Hi, and a very warm welcome to KHE!

    You can probably think about some of the same threats you have at Arkia and translate them across to EasyJet:

    Here's a few thought-starters:


    Lower costs further
    Sell more, profitable services or products to passengers (in flight)
    Offer for sale pre-departure refreshments at the gate
    Increase aircraft utilisation
    Decrease turn-round times
    Increase fares
    New routes


    New entrants
    Fuel prices
    Competitors undercutting fares
    Competitors offering higher service for same fare price
    Maintenance problems/Aircraft Unserviceability/Faults
    Reputation Loss in event of an accident


    Hope that helps

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    great response from Chris and Nick. They have covered all the points.

    the following is the answer (and the link) i posted to a similar question asked in this forum earlier. The SWOT analysis was a common one for all No-Frill or Low-Cost airlines.

    "SWOT analysis depends on airline to airline. then again some common SWOT analysis can be the following....

    1. Low operational cost by having a single aircraft type fleet i.e. Boeing 737 or Airbus A-310.
    2. Low maintanace cost due to the same reason as above.
    3. Low operating cost due to being No Frill, online reservations, fast check in etc.
    4. huge untapped market, specially for business travellers and "for-the-first-time-flying" segment.
    5. target customers are who are currently using non-aircraft modes like, Bus, Trains, car to travel to distances.

    1. Rising Fuel Cost.
    2. flight times are more or less limited to 2.5 hours. so you cant operate flights of longer duration without any Frill, so No-Frill becomes impossible to implement for passengers.
    3. increased competition from proper carriers and other no frill carriers.

    1. tapping the segment which is not using airline to travel at all. i.e. people who are using Bus or car or train to travel from KL to LangKawi
    2. Regional International flights of 2.5 hrs duration.

    1. Rising Fuel Cost"

    hope this helps.


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