
Topic: Strategy

Promote Home Loans To Staff Of Intl Companies

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
URGENT :how can i promote home loans to multinational company staff, where i have very narrow window access to their staff thru their human resource manager, I want to attract them with schemes where customers come as an existing saving account holder of my bank. at this point ,i have time to approach them. i have a choice to orally inform them on promoting schemes or pamphlets etc.

Now, I want to create a demand to make them go for home,car, personal loans. pl let me know the ways of promoting the same.
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    Whatever you do, have the copy read by someone from that country. You use the term "scheme"....I know what you mean, but the US interpretation is very bad. Not that you would use it in your material, but it's possible you'd have other problems.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi sam

    Relationship and Networking are the name of the game as suggested by others. on top of that some suggestions are...

    1. Enter into a corporate agreement between your bank and the MNC underwhich you have all the salary accounts of the employees of the MNC. and then you devise an attractive loan offers for them for each of car, home, personal loans.

    2. If you cant be the corporate bank of the target MNC, then, first analyze the existing loan schemes offered by the existing bank for that MNC. then you develop your loan offers to beat the existing corporate bank. Once you give more value-for-money to the company and its stuff they will give it a consideration.

    3. You identify the expressed and unexpressed desires/needs regarding Home loans, Car Loans etc. MNC executives usually want to have a home in posh areas. so tie-up with some top real estate developer exclusively and offer your Home Loans for the homes from those Real Estate Developers. The same can be replicated for the Car loan.

    4. organize a Loan Fair at the premises of the MNC and ensure all the Real Estate Developers, Car Companies/Dealers, Travel & Tour Operators are participating. In the fair you promote your attractive loan offers and give some discounts on the rate of interest, processing fees etc.

    5. try to get the address of the MNC employees and some other vital information, like Spouse's name, date of birth of both the spouse, home address. Based on the database send some loan brochures and also send birthday wishes. This will create relationship.

    6. you can even customize the loans to individual like you give a discount on interest rate for Travel Loan to a certain employee of your target MNC on the occasion of his/her spouse's birthday. this will entice that person to take the loan and observe the spouse's birthday in a special manner. you can do the same for Marriage Anniversary and other occassions.

    Having said all the ideas, its foremost important that you have good relationship with the MNC people. having good relationship with HR people only is not enough. You also have to have good relationship with the Finance Team and have them on board(support) you to get into the MNC company. also the data collection for the database and direct mailing should not in anyway make the people feel "intrusion in private life". otherwise all will go down the drain.

    hope this helps.


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