
Topic: Strategy

Web Site Critique And Overall Strategy Question

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a web site that sells various small kitchen appliances. The url is :
[inactive link removed]

Would anyone like to critique it for useability, navigation, information conveyance, sales conversion potential and other factors.

I had posted a question about the potential adding a recipe club focused on the products I sell and got thought-provoking answers.

I know there are many recikpe clubs out there, but I thought that if the recipes were very focused the club could help to bring back visitors and help to convert them into buyers. Do you think this is a good marketing strategy amongst others such as SEM, PPCs offline marketing?

Thanks for participating,


[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Jackstar,

    The first thing that popped out at me was that you have no method for capturing visitor information.

    To incentivize visitors to do this you want to offer them a subscription to an e-newsletter, in return they are giving you permission to communicate with them consistently over time.

    A signup box allows them the opportunity to enter their email, then they are taken to a personal preference page where they enter their name (at a minimum) and other info ( but keep it basic, keep the friction low).

    You can also ask them their interest preferences here and determine if a recipe club is somthing they want. Other ideas are announcement for coupons, specials, helpful articles, the idea here is it gives you information, over time, that tells you what they really want to receive.

    You have a perfect website and e-commerce opportunity to do something like this with.

    Please feel free to contact me through my profile for more detailed help.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Here is a good summary of what is needed to make a web site appear credible to users:

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