As the adage goes there's always a first time for everything....

So today all the advertisers out there who are responsible for allowing so much #@$& crap to get by can actually take a deep breath and relax as I focus my attention on what I consider to be one of the biggest marketing mistakes ever.
Last night the CBS network aired CSI Miami. The storyline had the audience follow several cast members as they tried to locate a drug dealer. They soon realized that they could send a text message to "GHOST" in order to setup a meeting to purchase a new exotic drug -- for those of you who are phonetic phone number illiterate the digitals are 44678.
So being the techno geek that I am I actually picked up my cell and sent a message to the number, replicating the same procedure as the actors. A few seconds later they received an address on where to meet the drug dealer while all I got was a #@$& error message. I wonder how many other people tried without success...I bet a lot more than anyone could ever imagine.
I wish someone would have pulled their head out of their ass for a brief minute to flush out the details to this small, overlooked opportunity that they just let slip away. Dedicated, loyal fans, like myself, took the time to interact with your brand and were left disappointed. So next time I advise you to determine some type of response before utilizing text messaging in any of your plots.
Since you probably don't have the brains to figure it out on your own I've taken the liberty to provide a few options for you: Send back a message with an additional clue, a prize for a free CSI episode downloadable on or even the same message that was being displayed on the CSI's cell phone screen.

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Scott Petinga is headquartered in Plymouth, MN. For more information, visit Read more of Scott's writing on the MarketingProfs blog, the Daily Fix.