Everyone, at some point in time, has Googled themselves. As is often the case, some unexpected results come back in the mix. We posed the question, "What have you found when you Google yourself?", to some of the attendees of the 2007 Marketing Profs B2B Forum in Chicago.

See what William Arruda, David Armano, Christine Whittemore, Chris Yeh, Ann Handley and others have uncovered.

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Marketing Profs Conference Coverage: Video -- 'Have you Googled yourself?'

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Matt is Vice President of Digital Marketing at Fleishman-Hillard in Cleveland, Ohio. He has over 11 years of experience in helping clients use new media and technology to reach their marketing objectives.

In Matt's present role he keeps pulse of an ever evolving industry to help clients stay competitive. On top of being a thought leader for Fleishman-Hillard's client roster, Matt blogs at Techno//Marketer where he uses video, audio and text to help demystify technology for marketers around the world. On the blog Matt primarily covers the ways in which new technology, and even old technology, impacts the field of marketing.