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  • Email security doesn't only stop cyberattacks and opportunistic hackers; it actually improves your brand reputation. If you're not yet implementing DMARC, this article explains why you should.

  • Intent data collects the digital breadcrumbs that buyers leave behind as they progress on their digital buying journey. How can you integrate such valuable intent data into your marketing strategy? Find out.

  • We think our online writing is inviting. But, to readers, it can feel like falling into a hidden temple where the walls are spewing poison darts and they're being pursued by a big, bone-crushing boulder. It doesn't have to be that way.

  • What is CDP? Customer data platforms are not new, but they've begun taking center stage. And for good reason: Businesses that use CDPs improve email and other marketing results as a result of improved data quality. Read more to find out more.

  • After 2+ years of major pivots and accelerated digital transformation, brands are now having to take a close look at how they handle customer data. To make absolutely necessary improvements, organizations must meet three challenges and implement a series of best-practices.

  • We all know that the death of third-party cookies is imminent. But have we considered how to plan for other data collection methods? And what methods have been proposed? This article breaks down what you need to know.

  • How do you know you've created a great piece of content? Pageviews? Social shares? Those are nice, but we really want to see content generate leads. Here are some tactics that can help.

  • How important is it to have a privacy-centered strategy in 2022? We chat with Hubspot's Kipp Bodnar about the state of data privacy, first-party data, becoming a more human-focused marketer, and more.

  • In the modern digital world, customer experience is not just about how you deliver the features of your products but also about how your customers interact with those products online. For excellent product experiences, follow these three tips.

  • As the demise of third-party cookies draws inexorably nearer, many marketers are growing concerned: How will they track and gather customer data online? But despite the handwringing, marketers can reap long-term benefits from the end of cookies.

  • Your customers want you to provide personalized offers and experiences, but they also want you to respect their privacy and allow them more control over their data. That's why a preference-management strategy is so important. Here are four things marketers can do.

  • Privacy concerns have reached a boiling point. Consumers, regulators, Web browsers, advertisers, brands... all are evolving to meet the changing privacy landscape. Marketers are considering how to best reach customers while respecting their privacy and earning their trust. See what lies ahead in 2020 and beyond.

  • Was your campaign email opened? If the recipient just deleted it anyway, maybe it doesn't matter. Try shifting your email measurements to these eight metrics instead.

  • Another year in martech has passed at a blistering pace—with the discussion on new trends, technologies, and issues consuming our days. The author builds on his (mostly borne out) 2023 predictions about three martech trends.

  • Transitioning to GA4 may seem like a daunting task. But the earlier you start, the easier it will be. Follow this action plan.

  • You need first-party data! they all say. But your website-form opt-ins are weak. Where can you get that data when you need it? From events.

  • The first-ever Magic Quadrant for customer data platforms by Gartner signifies a milestone in the maturation and essentiality of CDPs within the martech ecosystem. In a data-centric, customer-first marketplace, CDPs have become a strategic imperative.

  • In the new era of data privacy and more stringent privacy regulations, marketers need to turn away from third-party data. To build trust while maintaining personalization, marketers are turning to zero-party data. So... what is it, and how can you collect it?

  • Here's the hard truth: Most CMOs will never be able to get all their work done. Yet, Marketing is critical to the success or failure of organizations. The solution? A rigorous focus on the things that matter most. So here are three areas for CMOs to prioritize, and three to let go of.

  • The unprecedented growth of e-commerce has fundamentally changed the way consumers, and therefore marketers, think about retail—and marketing. Traditional experience models are no longer enough to serve and delight consumers. Let's see how lessons from e-commerce can help us reach today's customers.