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  • Can you copyright AI-generated content? What legal risks are involved when you use AI's content? If you're using AI for any of your work, you need to know enough about the law to stay out of trouble. Ruth Carter, Esq., evil genius at Geek Law Firm, reveals the current legal rules and regulations around AI and how you can expect them to evolve.

  • Good marketing writing matters more than ever—generative AI tools have made that clear. Because while AI can "write"—it can't write like you can! Ann Handley, chief content officer at MarketingProfs, shares her insights to where AI can help you with writing, when you shouldn't involve AI at all, and how your creativity is your unique strength.

  • Join MarketingProfs for our PRO online event for content creators, writers, and other future-focused marketers. Over nine live weekly sessions, you'll learn how to harness the power of AI from experts you know and trust as they cover critical how-tos—live. Plus, available on-demand.

  • If you're updating SEO, testing subject lines, or in need of unique graphics—let AI augment your creativity! AI tools save you time, clarify your marketing, and improve your branding. Cathy McPhillips, chief growth officer at The Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute, reveals her favorite AI tools to quickly enhance your content.

  • Generative AI content often comes with poor assumptions, errors... and privacy concerns. How can you use AI in a way that's safe for both your data and your career? Christopher S. Penn, chief data scientist at Trust Insights, shares his insights into the best use cases of AI—so you can get started now and stay ahead of the curve.

  • Not getting the creative output you want from generative AI tools like ChatGPT? The secret lies in providing very specific prompts that direct these tools to deliver your ideal output. Learn how brand storyteller Marcus Nelson crafts prompts that generate relevant, useful, and interesting copy.

  • SESSION 4 of 4: Demand generation is famously "everything you do to get and keep a customer." That means your job is not done at the point of conversion! Ensure your newly converted customers are getting the best value out of their purchase with ongoing contact and nurture.

  • SESSION 3 of 4: Getting the contact info for a lead is just the beginning! To increase the odds that your new lead becomes a paying customer, you'll want an active nurture campaign. In Session 3, discover how to cascade your content into a steady drip of information that your customers love.

  • SESSION 2 of 4: Are you scoring your leads correctly—or at all? Lead scoring is a powerful tool. But if it's not done correctly, it can fill your pipeline with dud prospects. In this second session, you'll learn how to score your prospects properly to fill your pipeline with sales-qualified leads.

  • SESSION 1 of 4: Does your content convert as well as it should? Only if you're observing your prospects' behavior as they interact with it—and tweaking your intent plan in response. In this session, you'll boost your demand generation success using psychology know-how.

  • SESSION 4 of 4: Your potential buyers change—constantly. They change in relation to market trends, economic realities, supply chain issues, corporate re-orgs, and more. To stay current with your target audience, keep your Buyer Personas fresh and relevant.

  • SESSION 3 of 4: When you put Buyer Personas to work, they'll inform your B2B content marketing strategy, align you with the customer success and sales teams, and fill your sales pipeline. Discover how to create effective marketing campaigns that target potential customers in Session 3 with Ardath Albee.

  • SESSION 2 of 4: Completed your B2B Buyer Persona research? It's time for a "discovery debrief." Separate the wheat from the chaff and build your Buyer Personas with the core elements of your target audience. It's the next step to resonating with your potential customers.

  • SESSION 1 of 4: B2B Buyer Personas are key to your successful content marketing strategy. Creating useful Buyer Personas starts with effective research. Discover how to research your target audience to both "know" your potential customers and understand their needs.

  • Everybody writes—but not everybody wants to read it! Good news though. This webinar can fix that for you. Join me, Ann Handley, to discover the 10 things you can do to stand out with excellent content. You'll also get the Writing GPS system I use to write my books, emails, and more. It's painless. Mostly. But there will be prizes!

  • Changes in technology, privacy, and customer behavior are disrupting digital marketing. But many of us are too busy to understand how these changes will affect our work and careers. So we're hosting a friendly fireside chat with six domain experts to discuss the important trends and changes coming your way in 2023.

  • SESSION 4 of 4: Your exposure is growing. Your community is engaged. Your brand reputation is on the rise. What's next? Take your social media success even further with influencer marketing. Learn how to kickstart your influencer program the right way to get the results you're looking for.

  • SESSION 3 of 4: With so much content everywhere, you've got to be smart about getting the most out of your audience on each social media channel. Each platform has a personality, much like your favorite binge-ready streaming series (we can still call those TV, can't we?). Learn how to create "shows" specifically designed for each channel and develop a social media content plan that's worthy of a primetime lineup.

  • SESSION 2 of 4: Social media algorithms promote posts with high community engagement. So if you want to boost your social engagement, reach a wider audience, and build brand trust, start a conversation. In this second event of our Building Brand Trust Through Social Media Working Webinar Series, Zontee Hou will show you how to get your posts in front of more eyes and increase your audience organically.

  • SESSION 1 of 4: B2B social media can feel mysterious and random. How does one account gain traction while another fails to hit the mark? In the first event of our Building Brand Trust Through Social Media series, you'll learn what types of content your audience wants and how repurposing your best content can boost your social media success.