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  • Now that tradeshows and events have shifted to digital, sponsorship packages look much different. But there are still ways to attract sponsors and get their brands and offers in front of event attendees. Check out these nine useful tips.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic led IT buyers to spend more time learning about tech solutions last year and also led more buyers to rely on webinars while researching, according to a recent report.

  • All marketers have to be Swiss Army knives, but to be successful at demand gen you have to upgrade yourself to the Ultra-Military-Grade Leatherman of marketers. And when you devote so much time generating leads, the last thing you want to do is let them languish without a solid follow-up plan.

  • COVID has shown us that everything is connected—and in a business setting, connection requires alignment among departments, Sales and Marketing included. From a sales enablement perspective, here's how you can drive alignment.

  • B2B salespeople are much more likely than B2B marketers to say their company's sales and marketing teams cooperate effectively, according to recent research from Outfunnel and Copper.

  • In this exhilarating B2B Backstage webinar, best-selling author and marketing guru Andrew Davis will show you how to use the loyalty loop to leverage your existing clients to drive a steady stream of highly valuable, high-margin, new business.

  • The creation of targeted information—about companies, products, services, and more—has been around for generations. Collateral, sales aids, product literature, brand books... all were earlier monikers for what's now lumped into "content." It's a long-established discipline. And here's how it actually works.

  • We're all scrambling for new ways to connect with customers during COVID, but the easiest method could be right on our desktops: LinkedIn. The platform is more popular than ever, and many companies are overlooking features that could factor into 2021 marketing plans.

  • 2020 changed everyone, including B2B buyers, and your content strategy must change with them—which means better personalization. But it doesn't mean being stalker-y. Instead, use these five tips for a truly personalized B2B strategy.

  • Engineers place the most value on information-heavy content, such as datasheets, case studies, and whitepapers, when making purchasing decisions about products and services, according to research from TREW Marketing and GlobalSpec.

  • If your marketing team is like most, it spends a lot of time and energy cultivating qualified leads for the sales team. But it may be missing out on lots of other helpful ways to enable sales and create shared success. Now's the time to expand Marketing's efforts to help Sales sell better—and more. Sponsored by Seismic.

  • The accelerated transfer of B2B business to digital-only formats has emphasized the importance of sales enablement technology. Even after the pandemic, digital-first attitudes are likely to persist—so ensure your sales enablement tech strategy measures up.

  • In this B2B Backstage keynote with global positioning expert, April Dunford, you'll discover how to develop a "Point of View" narrative that will give your prospects and customers a clear way to think about their choices in the market and make it clear that your brand is the superior choice.

  • Why are we producing content? To generate leads, drive sales, and build authority. You'll need to bring readers in at the top of the funnel and work your way down to drive sales. Here's how.

  • Experiential marketing doesn't have to rely on physical interaction. B2B companies can learn from their B2C counterparts by hosting virtual events that offer an interactive way for people to "leave" the house. To that end, focus on these three tactics.

  • The generic "customer" doesn't exist: To reach buyers, marketers must view their customers as real people with personalities, drives, and interests. Especially in a Covid-altered world, the best way to visualize those customers and their needs is to create buyer personas.

  • Branding and direct response marketing must work together. Marketers should therefore understand the key differences between the two so that they can employ the right blend of tactics when executing their overall marketing strategy. Here are five differences to keep in mind.

  • Marketing and sales teams are only as good as their customer data. If your team is like most, there is room for improvement in your ability to score and route leads—and attribute success. That's why you need a data management strategy. Sponsored by ZoomInfo.

  • Ty Heath of LinkedIn's B2B Institute shares new research about the changing behaviors and attitudes of the new B2B decision-makers.

  • Running a B2B blog is a lot of work, but the rewards can be abundant if you build yourself a faithful audience. To establish yourself as an authority in your industry and gain your readers' trust, follow these five tips.