Social networking sites delivered 21% of all US online display ad impressions in June 2009, according to a recent comScore study, with MySpace and Facebook together accounting for more than 80% of impressions in the social networking category.

Top Display Advertisers on Social Networks

AT&T was the top display advertiser on social networking sites in June 2009, with more than 2 billion ad impressions—or 30% of the company's total number of display ads delivered during the month, comScore reported.

Next was Experian Interactive, which delivered a heavy rotation of ads in June for educational degree programs and credit score services. It accounted for nearly 1.3 billion impressions on social networking sites.

Of the top 10 advertisers on social networking sites in June, two delivered the vast majority of their impressions within the category:

  • Pangea Media, which primarily advertises a variety of love and celebrity quizzes, delivered 90% of its ads on social networking sites.
  • Online gaming provider Zynga delivered 97% of its ads on such sites.

"Because the top social media sites can deliver high reach and frequency against target segments at a low cost, social media is becoming an increasingly attractive vehicle for major advertisers seeking to optimize campaign reach and frequency and smaller advertisers desiring to reach a highly targeted audience," said Jeff Hackett, comScore senior vice president.

"The category should continue to grow in ad volume, while CPMs could also increase if the sites can demonstrate a high campaign ROI."

About the data: The data cited here comes from research by comScore's Ad Metrix service.

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Social Networks Deliver 21% of Ad Impressions

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