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With most companies focusing their social media marketing efforts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, over one-third (36.1%) say they've been able to make a conversion from initial connection to sale via such social channels, according to a new survey from R2integrated.

Another 25.3% of marketers surveyed who conduct social media marketing say they are getting close to making a sale via social media and 38.1% say they haven't done so at all.

Below, other findings from The Social Media Marketing Survey by R2integrated, based on a survey of 296 marketing professionals who use social media for marketing.

More than four in five marketers (83%) report using all of the top 3 social networking sites—Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn—for marketing.

Asked which social media site is their No. 1 focus, marketers cite the following:

  • Facebook: 45.9%
  • Twitter: 20.6%
  • LinkedIn: 19.6%

Only 3% of marketers say their No. 1 focus is YouTube.

How Companies Are Using Social Media

Some 43.9% of marketers say they have a defined social media strategy, with most marketers (31.1%) using social media for content publishing and lead generation/business development (27.0%).

Over one in ten marketers (12.2%) are using social media for customer relations and 10.8% are using it to monitor their brands.

Measuring Social Media

Most are measuring the success of social media by tracking website traffic from social media links (27.7%) and brand-related conversations (24.7%).

Another 20.9% of marketers count fans and followers, and 18.9% track leads.

Lack of Time, Resource Issues Hinder Social Media Marketing

Asked to rank select the single biggest mistake they've made with social media, most marketers (37.8%) cite insufficient time and resources.

However, over one-half of marketers cite the lack of a game plan: 29.7% cite no social media strategy and 22.3% cite unclear goals and objectives.

Looking ahead to 2011, 44.6% of marketers cite time and resources as their greatest anticipated challenge in 2011, followed by demonstrating ROI (33.1%).

Some 12.8% of marketers cite differentiating themselves from their competition as their greatest challenge with social media marketing in the coming year.

Looking for real, hard data that can help you match social media tools and tactics to your marketing goals? The State of Social Media Marketing, a 240-page original research report from MarketingProfs, gives you the inside scoop on how 5,140 marketing pros are using social media to create winning campaigns, measure ROI, and reach audiences in new and exciting ways.

Social Media Budgets in 2011

Over six in ten marketers (61.8%) say they'll allocate up to 20% of their 2011 marketing budgets to social media activities and fully one-quarter (25.7%) intend to allocate 20-40% of their annual budgets to social channels.

Only 8.4% of marketers plan to allocate 40-60% of their budgets to social media.

Overall, marketers intend to focus on websites (35%) and search (20%) as their two main marketing channels.

About the data: Findings are based on a survey of 296 marketing professionals who conduct social media marketing for their companies, November 5-19, 2010. 

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One-third of Brands Converting via Social Media

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