Buyers of B2B technology products and services say what they most want right now from vendors is information about how to get the most out of the solutions they already own, according to recent research from LeadMD.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in April 2020 among nearly 200 buyers of B2B technology products and services.

Some 44% of respondents say the most important thing they'd like from providers right now is how to get the most out of current solutions, and one-fourth say what they want most is information about how vendors are supporting customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another 16% want information about solutions they can purchase to be more effective in the current changing economic climate, 12% want nothing from vendors because they're too distracted right now, and 3% want to know how vendors are supporting charitable efforts.

Purchase Plans

Some 31% of B2B buyers say they've started looking for new technology solutions since the pandemic started, 22% have continued with a search that began before the pandemic, 26% have had to stop purchasing to cut costs, and 21% had no plans to purchase solutions pre-pandemic.

Marketing Appropriateness

Most respondents (55%) say it is appropriate for vendors to continue to market B2B technology products and services right now.

Some 26% say it is appropriate to market solutions but they wish vendors were more sensitive, 15% say vendors should be marketing less, and 4% say they should stop marketing altogether.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey conducted in April 2020 among nearly 200 buyers of B2B technology products and services.

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What B2B Buyers Want From Tech Vendors Right Now

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image of Ayaz Nanji

Ayaz Nanji is a writer, editor, and a content strategist. He is a co-founder of ICW Media and a research writer for MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn: Ayaz Nanji

Twitter: @ayaznanji