To say that marketing execution has changed dramatically over the last 10 years is about the grossest kind of understatement. Then why do all the models of the marketing function look about the same as they always have? I mean functional models: what we do, how we execute, and how the functions within the organization relate.

In thinking through my own organization (I'm a tech CMO), I've started building a different kind of functional model, in part because marketing is rapidly becoming the thing that sets winners apart from also-rans.

I tried to think about how much more interconnected and interdependent we now are: The product is the marketing; and our content is no longer just collateral, it's critical across all of marketing, and so on. I also tried to focus on how each of the things we do has changed (PR anyone?).

This short Prezi walks through the model I have in mind (best to view it in full-screen mode):


This approach has been rattling around in my head for some time, and it feels right to me, but it's time to sharpen it up. What do other marketers think?

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How We Should Think About Marketing. A New Model [Prezi]

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Charles Gold, a career software marketer, is CMO at Sonatype, an enterprise open source software vendor. He blogs about software marketing at You can find him on Twitter at @chasgold.