A whopping 93% of B2B marketers use content marketing today. But how are they using it?

MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute issued findings from their annual content marketing study, which included responses from 1,217 B2B content marketers in North America.

Using information from the report, the following Brightcove infographic highlights the latest findings regarding tactics, content segmentation and challenges, and measurement in B2B content marketing.

B2B marketers, on average, use 13 tactics to reach their audiences. Social media (excluding blogs) is the most popular tactic, used by 87% of those marketers. That's followed by articles on a company website (81%) and e-newsletters (80%).

The primary challenges B2B marketers face are lack of time (69%) and producing enough content (55%).

Some 93% of the most effective B2B content marketers cite lead generation as a goal of their content marketing efforts, compared with 64% of the least effective B2B content marketers.

To find out more about the report highlights, check out the following infographic. You can also see the complete report on SlideShare.

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The State of B2B Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends [Infographic]

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