Within a single generation, marketing has been transformed by technology, the Web, and social media

But those have had a profound impact not only on the skills marketers need possess but also on the audiences they attempt to reach on behalf of brands and companies.

Small business owners and entrepreneurs, not just marketers, have to continually update their skills if they are to be any position to engage the next generation of consumers while harnessing the power of evolving technologies, according to an infographic by Maryville University.

From content and mobile marketing to email, social media, search, and video, together with data analysis, operational skills, and more, 11 important modern marketing skills and tactics are outlined in the infographic.

Check it out to see which you're already a whiz at... and which you might need brush up on:

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11 Important Skills for Modern Marketers [Infographic]

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image of Vahe Habeshian

Vahe Habeshian is the director of publications at MarketingProfs and a longtime editor. Reach him via vahe@marketingprofs.com.

LinkedIn: Vahe Habeshian

Twitter: @habesh