Fully 80% of people say they would rather watch a live video than read a social media post or blog. For that reason alone, live video can be a powerful marketing tool for business.

Yet, relatively few businesses are using live video, in part because the "live" in "live video" causes apprehension among marketers, who are accustomed to crossing all their t's and dotting all their i's and checking all their checklists twice before launching any sort of asset or campaign.

With a little preparation, however, you can leverage livestreaming video to help grow your business.

The good news is that you probably have most everything you need to get started; you just need to plan and outline of your first video... and just do it—i.e., simply try it.

An infographic from Switcher Studio, a mobile video-creation platform that streams multicamera live videos directly to Facebook, YouTube, and elsewhere, outlines, stats about live video, its benefits, as well as how to get started.

Learn more about harnessing the power of livestreaming video for your business. Check out the infographic:

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How to Use Live Video to Market Your Business [Infographic]

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image of Vahe Habeshian

Vahe Habeshian is the director of publications at MarketingProfs and a longtime editor. Reach him via vahe@marketingprofs.com.

LinkedIn: Vahe Habeshian

Twitter: @habesh