
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name A Small Town Restaurant

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Trying to name a restaurant-- it is located in a small town in Ohio. it is in an old pizza hut restaurant that was converted to an Irish pub/restaurant (with a pub-like bar).

the new owner's name is Lisa, however she has three children, Matthew, Hannah & Levi.

Menu will be like an Applebees/Ground Round-- hamburgers, ribs, french fries, sandwiches, etc.

Regardless of whether we get this building we need a name for our restaurant. it will still be in small town ohio, kind of on a busy stretch of road.

any help or opinions would be great!
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  • Posted on Author

    Thank you so much for your response! I am passing along the links to the others involved and see what they think. As far as differentiation-- the town is so small the only other 'family/fine dining' restaurant is Bob Evan's (I use the term fine dining in implying that it is not fast food like Burger King or McDonald's. We would pretty much be the only "Applebee's" type establishment for many miles.

    Hope this helps! I am looking forward to hearing from you!
  • Posted on Author
    In response to Phil-- the Irish restaurant/pub that was previously at the location was quite successful, however a fire damaged the kitchen (which was repaired) but personal issues kept the owners from re-opening the restaurant after the fire, so we know that the business is definitely there.

    @Karen: I like the idea of putting 'Restaurant & Pub' at the end... the street name will be a bit difficult as it is called Route 127.

    Thank you guys so much for your ideas and helping us brainstorm!

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