
Topic: Branding

Brand Ambassadors

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points

We distribute fliers for various events. Lately we have been getting calls for "brand ambassadors".

I'm trying to understand the difference between our handout service and brand ambassadors.

Our rates for flier handouts run $150 per 500 pieces distributed by a three people - two distributors and a supervisor.

I've seen several "brand ambassador teams" and they don't seem any more efficient then our service in actually getting the flyers in people's hands.

What is the difference in price is the typical pricing structure for brand ambassadors.

What is the difference between an ambassador and having someone hand out fliers?


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  • Posted by modza on Member
    Kathleen is right, but I would say the best brand ambassadors definitely and pro-actively try to attract the right buyers and influencers.

    I remember a new car intro, the Scion, where Toyota hired attractive girls and guys to stand by parked Scions outside clubs, and only incidentally refer to the cars.

    Not supposed to discuss actual pricing in public forums -- might be construed as price-fixing, but if you can come up with some clever way to draw attention to the product you can charge much much more. Google "experiential marketing" and brand ambassador to read lots of examples.
  • Posted on Member
    I agree with most of the comments made by our fellow friends here.

    But from the business prespective, i would like to raise the point, why business should always go for the brand ambasadors. Why can't organizations train their sales people to grow up and become a brand ambasador. this not only reduces the cost of generating leads, but the beneft an organization can drive if getting quality market research, at the same time, you are spreading awareness about your product and meeting the potential clients. this also cut down the sales cycle.

    Dressing up like a outside ambasador, i don't think i much of an issue.

    Nishant Manchanda

    I suppport . Do your bit now.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Traditionally, a brand is a red hot iron with a design or emblem etched or worked into its end. The red hot iron is then applied to the skin and the resulting mark is branded—literally burned—into physical being and memory. This kind of marking denotes ownership, connection, and significance.

    Brand ambassadors today live, breathe, eat, drink and sleep the product and everything the product stands for, gives them, and for everything it brings about.

    They are passionate, driven, engaged, and in tune with the brand and everything it stands for, with every feeling it evokes, and with every feel good factor it creates. The connections between brand loyalty, tribe mentality, and "us and them" is a close one.

    Think of a die hard Apple Computer user, or the driver of a luxury make of car, or the dyed in the wool Republican. To each of these people, there is nothing else in life expect the things they believe in, one of which is their brand of choice, whatever that brand might be.

    A tattoo is a brand: a physical, indelible stamp that tells the viewer that the tattoo owner cares enough about the mark and everything it stands for to want to carry it with them forever.
    Think of Harley Davidson.

    Someone that hands out fliers is probably NOT that invested in the brand in question. To the flier hander-outer, the flier is just a piece of print to hand out, the job of handing out fliers is just that, a job.

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