
Topic: Branding

Most Energizing Colors For A Fitness Club

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a newly appointed director for a health club and spa and am seeking ideas for the most energizing and complimentary colors. I would like to incorporate bright colors into this to stimulate mood but also don't want to overwhelm our guests. We are gearing our facility towards individuals as well as families, hosting basketball camps, swimming lessons, dance classes, etc. What colors have you seen that have either excited you or bored you to death? Thanks for any feedback or suggestions!
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  • Posted on Member

    I myself go to the gym twice or three times / weeks. And I must say the colors have a great effect on my mood and my willingness to fitness. I like bright colors, "alive ", nothing gloomy, dark, boring, sad.
    I would go for yellow, light blue, red (in the spining area).
    The gym I go to changed the interior a few months ago and they used darker colors - black, brown etc - and I must admit that since then I didn't see so many people at the club.

    It is really good to see that there are people thinking of that and put a lot of work in every detail.
    hope this helps you. Good luck.

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