
Topic: Branding

What Is The Best And Least Expensive Way To Promote My Informational Web Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We own an IYP with a nuance that sets us apart. How do we cost effectively get the usage up and our link downloaded more frequently?
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Since you won't tell us about your site, I'll have to guess that it is ...

    ... if so, are you more interested in attracting MLM oriented salespeople, or homeowners?

    If you are looking for MLM salespeople, I can't offer much advice.

    If you are looking for hits from homeowners, my original thought was that I personally would not pay $40 per year for folks to sell me stuff, no matter how "carefully selected". My suggestion would have been to take a hard look at your business model... but upon keying my zip code into the site, it was pretty neat to see all the local discounts.

    Have you considered affinity marketing, e.g. team up with some organizations who could make a coupon or something available from your site, to drive initial traffi to your site? Or, could you set something up as a fundraiser. e.g. have an army from the high school promoting your site, driving their parents to the site for discount coupons benefitting their school, that sort of thing?

    In a similar way, if you established a relationship with a charity, could you get some free TV press? (Sorry for the amateur ideas, I'm more a B2B guy).

    If I have the wrong site, my appologies.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    my applogies, I had originally looked at the wrong site (must have been another Larry Favarola...)

    ... here are three suggestions:

    1. Could you do a Google advanced search for companies which link to and other competitors, and contact some of those sites to be listed?

    2. Could you create an information page which contains links to many other helpful telephone information sites (e.g., many more) and promote your site from that? (Some of the people you contact in #1 above might list this site as well, the process in #1 will identify a number of helpful sites).

    3. Could you maximize the ease of use of your site, to maximize referrals and word of mouth advertising?

    Good luck

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