
Topic: Branding

Naming A Btl Programme Using A Brand Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

i work in a telecom company, and one of the products (services) is targeting students and pupils - let's call the programme YOUTH CAMP

i will start a communication campaign for YOUTH CAMP - ATL & BTL. One of the BTL programme is organizing one week of spEcial events for students - concerts, art exhibitions, films etc. How would you call this BTL programme?

1. Would you call it just YOUTH CAMP - even though you very well know that this YOUTH is actually a telecom offer. Do you think that it might be possible that this 1 week event (in one city from the country, which is not the capital...) will delute YOUTH CAMP and customers will get confused? --> Is YOUTH CAMP now more than just a telecom offer?

2. Would you rather call it YOUTH CAMP UNIVERSITY DAYS / YOUTH CAMP UNIVERSITY WEEK (or how? - please recommend naming :) )? This would actually describe the event, and position YOUTH CAMP as the product which offers you this university days...

I must admit that I would rather go with the 2nd option, as I think the 1st would create confusion. the 2nd one would actually bring more value to the brand - YOUTH CAMP. The colleagues who would go with 1st option, motivate their choice based on the reason that it would create that vibe, that desire of being in a "gang" the YOUTH CAMP gang. It is cool to be a YOUTH CAMP, it is a must.
As you probably noticed, this issue is of much importance to me, any feedback would be much appreciated.
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  • Posted on Accepted

    I have to say youth camp seems a little young for university/college students. When i think of 'youth', I think of 11-15 year old. I would suggest that you choose a name that's cutting edge and would attract this age group. You have to look into the school and see what these students are interested in and what their attitudes are. Also the city makes a difference in how these students may react to certain events.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi Nyana

    great reponse from above. Although i am bit confused whether your brand name is Youth Camp or you are just giving that as a sample brand name to maintain confidentiality.

    anyway, i think you should keep your brand name intact and then add to it the event name. How you do that(i mean the copy) depends on your brand name.

    if your brand name is YOUTH CAMP and you are holding your BTL program is in univerisities then you can call it like


    alternatively you can even shorten your brand name, if thats possible and create a sub-brand name for this kind of BTL activities. example can be...

    YOUTH FAIR (the BTL programs of brand YOUTH CAMP)

    alternatively, you can simply create a new brand name for the BTL activities without using your brand name but create the association & ownership with your brand by using your brand color schemes/fonts/designs etc., logo in communication, or even using special language (if you have any). example can be

    LIFESTYLE FAIR (using YOUTH CAMP fonts/logo/color scheme etc.)

    thats my 2 cents....

    btw, just to share with you, Telenor of Norway launched Djuice(a mobile service brand) here in Bangladesh targeted to the teens and early youths. the brand developed its own language (colloqial) and thats what is used in all communications/activities. so now whenever some of those colloqial terms are used people understand that the activities are associated with brand Djuice

    hope that helps.


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