
Topic: Branding

The Use Of Celebrity Endorsements In Advertising.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
TV advertising and advertising in general seems to be losing its effectiveness, are the use of celebrity endorsements likely to capture people's mind's again?

And are celebrity endorsements an effective marketing tool?
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    Celebrities still have some "interrupt value" but the question is what's the message since you've gotten their attention?

    I submit that issues important to buyers are more engaging once they interrupt and people don't tire of them.

    I think Howie Long does a truck commercial, but I don't know which one...though I did like Howie as a player.

  • Posted on Member
    Celebrity endorsements are effective in getting attention and associating a brand with a certain personality. it's nice when the celebrity is relevant to the product endorsed, so you start to think about beauty aids and movie stars, athletes and sports equipment/shoes, etc., and other such applications. Sports marketing is huge and getting bigger, and is full of endorsement deals. Clearly celebrities are big in endorsing charities.

    You can use celebrities in many ways to personify a brand. There are some surprising markets were use of a relevant celebrity endorsement has created significant movement in brand awareness and sales.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    1. Celebrity endorsements can be quite effective. The key is finding the right celebrity and communicating the right message in the advertising.

    2. I would think that any well-written commercial/advertisement has the potential to capture consumers' attention -- not just celebrity endorsements. If the celebrity is just an attention-getter, and not part of the communication, I question whether the result would be worth the cost.

    3. Q-Scores has been tracking, measuring, and reporting celebrity recognition, believability, and like-ability for a long time -- at least 35-40 years now. They have a great track record of helping agencies and advertisers pick the celebrities who will be best in various categories. If you're interested you can get more information at their website. (I've used them several times, as a marketer/advertiser and as a consultant to clients who were considering using celebrity endorsements.)

    4. I'm not sure I accept your premise that advertising is becoming less effective. I'm wondering where you got that idea and whether it is from some objective study, or if it's just your personal opinion based on something you've seen, heard or thought up on your own.

    5. Regardless of whether advertising is becoming less effective, I'm not sure what that has to do with the question about celebrity endorsements.

    You suggest that celebrity endorsements may have lost their effectiveness (" ... are the use of celebrity endorsements likely to capture people's mind's [sic] again?"). I'm not sure they ever stopped capturing people's minds. There are many examples of long-running and effective commercials with celebrity endorsements. What makes you think they've lost their effectiveness?

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi nky

    great response so far from all the experts.

    the reason Celebrity Endorsement works is because of the notion that, the consumers perceive that the Celebrities' personality traits are reflected in the brand which means that Consumer believe that celebrities actually transfer their personality traits to the brand's personality.

    Celebrity Endorsements are more of associating the consumers with their aspirations/dreams, Lifestyle etc which is they fantisize after seeing the same of the Celebrities. For example Pepsi once used Micheal Jackson as their Model to tap into the youth's aspirations/lifestyle, the pop culture.

    apart from Omega, Breitling, Rolex, Tag Huer (again watch) are examples of Celebrity Endorsements. Tiger Woods for Rolex, some of the top name in Mountain Climbing/Aircraft /Yacht racing are CE of Breitling, F1 champion Micheal Schummacher for Tag Huer. By the way, apart from Cindy Crawford, 007 James Bond also endorses Omega.

    Interetingly, BMW or Aston Martin never (at least i have not seen them) in their advertisements use 007 James Bond as their CE, but in the 007 movies James Bond in subtle way endorses these when he drives BMW or Aston Martin.

    having said all that i agree with others and reinforce that matching the traits &/or 'brand' of the celebrity with the brand/product is most important to successfully pull off a CE ad for a brand. If this match is not there, you have a disaster. And also remember when a celebrity is endorsing too many brands, s/he loses her credibility to the consumers.

    hope that helps.


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