
Topic: Branding

How Does Location Help In Brands

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Is location important inorder to build brand awareness or just advertise and make the customers ware of your location
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Yes, it can make a difference, but how much varies by the product and location.

    For example, if you are a manufacture of quality, hand made watches, being located in Switzerland (which has been known for hand made watches) would be help your brand. Being located in Africa probably would hurt your brand.

    But if you sell concrete or some other commodity, location probably makes little difference.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi jtahilramani,

    I agree with Peter. It can also help in targeting your market, in that geography can provide you with a focus in your marketing efforts, from which you can branch out later. As Peter said, it all depends on what you are selling.

  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    If you're in a high income shopping area (Mag Mile) you're buying brand just by being there.

    If you are in small towns (Wal-mart) you're building a brand.

    India says high tech, China says cheap.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Certain places in the world have become famous for certain products. In fact sometimes the association can be so strong that you have images of certain products if you mention the name of the place.

    Switzerland - Cohocolates, Watches, Knives. If you're selling any of these and belong to Switzerland, you would definetely try to associate your product with your location.

    France - Wines - Will always command a premium price.

    China - Goods made in China are never advertized like that since China comes to be associated with cheap and inferior quality products. Atleast for now.

    The Indian government has been constantly been trying to improve the brand equity of the 'Made in India' Tag. Hence at a subliminal level, the consistent efforts to push the software industry and professionals acorss the world so India comes to be asoociated with 'Hi Tech' and 'Intelligent'. Helps exports in other sectors you see.

    Sometimes marketeers will try to use the location factor without having the recognized location for it. So they will mention in their ads Now in India so as to suggest that the brand is famous abroad or belongs to a foreign country and is now available to Indians.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It sounds like you're dealing with a retail business, right? If that's the case, location could be one of the most important elements in your marketing mix.

    If you're located in some out-of-the-way neighborhood, you will probably have to spend more money telling people where you are and why they should take the trouble to find you than it would have cost to just pay the higher rent for a great location to begin with.

    Or did I not understand the question?
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    great response from experts covering various viewpoints of "location".

    my 2 cents are....

    if you are dealing with FMCG, then "location" or rather i should say availability of your brand/product is of tremendous importance. THe consumers must have access to your brand at the nearest point i.e. neighborhood convenience store. THis is Distribution. no matter how much you advertise, unless your brand is available in a shop where your competing brand is available, consumers will buy your competing brand (unless die-hard loyalist, which is fewer to find these days). there is a saying in FMCG business, you ensure distribution coverage to more than 95% outlets, your brand builidng job is 50% done.

    even in case of service marketing, say, express mail like DHL, FedEx etc, "location" is also very important for building brand awareness. if FedEx is more near to me than UPS or DHL, i will go for FedEx when i know the service quality is almost identical amongst all of these players. even for pick-up by these companies are also dependant on location.

    apart from the above mentioned, "location" is of importance for Retail business and in fact for all business and brands to a greater or some extent. just remember, consumers are exposed to loads of advertisement every second, they cant remember all those, unless they physically see it. Consumers see it in shops/service centers or locations; and that has to be near to consumers.

    in other words, your brand has to go to the consumers not the other way round.

    hope that helps.


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