
Topic: Branding

What Has Been Playstation Marketing Strategy?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would like to know what is the position of Sony Playstation versus Xbox, and other competitors, in terms of market share and the future challenges Sony will face in this category.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Sony and Xbox are aiming for the total entrainment experience. So they include DVD players, hard drives to store games, music, movies.

    Xbox has the advantage of that the hard drive is included with the basic package where as for the playstaion it is an "add on". Also the Xbox has a better DVD player with higher end features.

    Playstaion has the advantage is a loyal following based on the people that bought the playstation one. It also has more games, and the fact that you can play PS1 games on the PS2 is what sold it for me.

    Both Xbox and PS are trying to be the "all in one" package of home entertainment.

    While nitendos "Game Cube" on the other hand is just aiming to be a gaming machine. (That’s one of the reasons it bombed as well as the fact it only had one or two good games.)

    Xbox’s strategy was to buy lots of small games companies and make the games only available on Xbox, while this has possibly got them a bit of market share, it has hurt the market. This is because in my opinion Microsoft has done what it normally does and screwed the consumer; they have stiffiled innovation and shot them selves in the foot again.

    You might want to have a read of this article, while it is not about console games (it is about computer games) you might find it interesting.

    The further of video games will be based on who gets the best games, who get the franchises. I know i will buy the console that has the "final fantasy" games, and i think sony has the rights to final fantasy 12 :), Sony also has (exclusive to it) Devil my cry, spyphon filter, Kingdom hearts and a few others.

    Xbox has A LOT of exclusive games like Halo, Fable etc etc

    The new game console from Nintendo MIGHT blow both Xbox and Sony out of the water.

    Microsoft also has A LOT to learn about marketing games. At some games show where they announced the Xbox 360 (I can’t remember the name of it), they were playing the demos on a MAC (and didn’t even try to hide it), not a prototype like the actual machine like Sony had.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Lisa,

    Clearly PS2 holds the edge right now over XBox. It has the greater fan following, better and more numerous game titles and in economies where it matters(and there are some) the price advantage. So while PS2 lays stress on this in their marketing campaigns which are more creative envisaging fun and and excitement

    xBox lays more stress on the technology and other capabilities like multiplayer and net and dvd abilities. Basically positioning it as a 'superior product' than the PLayStation. However superior product does not necessarily mean a better buy for the consumer. this is where Microsoft boo booed big time.

    And their superiority may not last long. already sony(for whom now PS2 is the most profitable product) have announced the PS3 due july2006 which is supposed to be twice as powerful as the soon to be released Xbox 360.

    So while both X box and PlayStation will continue to 'out market' each other for a few years to come without really being able to eliminate the other one, I feel the initiative will lie really on Microsoft's shoulders and their ambition with the Xbox since they have the financial muscle compared to the troubled on many fronts Sony.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member

    PSP (Playstation portable) and Playstation3

    GameCube, Revolution and nintendo

    This site is great for all the tech news.

    If you want me to send you any more links then you can contact me via email (click on my name)

    I also have a few people that have worked/currently work at Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo in my linked-in network (2nd connection) if you would like I will introduce you.

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