
Topic: Branding

Resurrect Michael Jackson

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Although he once famously told Paul McCartney that he was a lover not a fighter, Michael Jackson now finds himself with a tumultuous battle on his hands. Despite the not guilty verdict, his career and finances hang precariously in the balance. His advisors know the only hope is to resurrect the Michael Jackson brand.
What do you think this next step should be for the Michael Jackson brand? Think about who his brand should be talking to and how best to reach them.
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  • Posted by antonio.alexandre on Accepted

    I heard your cry for help and decided to say a few words...

    Well, let me start by saying that this is quite a challenge you got yourself into :-)

    First of all you need to look at Michael Jackson as a "services company" - he sells intangibles, and his success depends on people liking what he has to sell. Likewise, his success also depends on credibility, on awareness and on giving people exactly what they want, surpassing their expectations.

    From my point of view Michael Jackson has lot s of awareness, but he didn't evolve. The kind of product he sells is not able to target new markets.

    Maybe it would be nice to make some surveys on him next to several kinds of public. What do people think of him, his music, his eccentricity, his voice, his dance...

    Then see what would it take for him to hit the right market - to get back to people's hearts and re-start selling music.

    Why does Madonna, Pink Floyd, Tina Turner, The rolling Stones (just to mention a few brands) still sell and he doesn't? Maybe start by asking this to people - specially people who once bought his records and stopped doing it...

    I have my own opinion on the subject but I won't say it in this forum, though

    Hope I could be of some assistance

  • Posted on Author
    Hey..thanks so really helps..has got me thinking about how to answer it..thanks!!!
  • Posted on Accepted
    A simple survey from present singers and their audience choice could through light on what's the people choice and what's he is missing and fine tune to match or create demand of him in marketplace
  • Posted on Author
    hey john..your response was great...very useful insight. Makes it very clear where his brand stands at this point, but how, given all the damage done to his brand can he ressurect himself?
  • Posted on Author
    I agree, the damage is done...thanks so much guys...this is building up a really good answer.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Well the good thing about Michael Jackson is that he is value for money.

    Today’s music concerts are really bad; they just stand there and sing. Some even walk AWAY from there instruments WHILE they are playing and give each other a high five. It not music if you can walk away from the instrument while you are supposed to be playing them.

    Michael Jackson on the other hand, is a one man show. He dances, moon walks, sings, has fire works, one minute he’s singing the next he disappears in a puff of smoke then reappear on the other side of the stage with a monkey!!!!

    Now that’s entertainment!!!
  • Posted by antonio.alexandre on Accepted
    I agree with all the other answers you got. They pretty much resume what I myself think about him.

    I think Michael Jackson needs to do something outside music that adds credibility to his image: something that makes him look like a regular guy, someone you could invite to lunch or lend your car and at the same time make him look like a fighter for common good causes, not only his own - I guess you could call it "corporate social responsibility".

    Companies all over the world are embracing this because they are able to achieve very interesting side effects on their brands. They quickly become recognised members of their (our) communities and it becomes easier for people to buy from them.

    Take Bob Geldoff for instance. When was the last time you recall a new album from him? However everybody knows who he is and would likely buy a album from him just because of the impact he has on people's lives.

    Every brand has unique characteristics that differentiate them from others. It is a mistake to try imitate others: in a chess game whites always have advantage because they take initiative. What you need to do is find that unique combination of good things/values/characteristics that will turn Michael Jackson into a winning brand - his shows (as Firefox said), his childhood. Maybe if he turns back to his roots that has a positive impact on his image.

    You need to have independent people talk about all the good things he has done. You probably need an above-the-line as much as a below-the-line approach on this. You need investment, specially from him; and you need to prepare for long run results...



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