
Topic: Branding

How Are Brand Constructs Obtained?

Posted by Marcela on 250 Points
I would like to obtain brand constructs to evaluate brand equity, which can differentiate my brand from the competence and can be evaluated quantitatively
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member

    There are no websites for "brand constructs." Since brand equity is the value of the marketing investment in getting the name out there, one model for thinking of this is if you had a brand new brand, how much money would you have to spend to buy the present value of recognition you have with the product. All at once. In a single day. For instance, if you have a 75% name recognition rate and you have obtained that through TV and magazine ads, then how many hours of TV ads and how many pages of magazine ads would you have to buy to get the attention of your customers? Then, how much would this cost?

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm not sure that what you're looking for exists. If there were a research methodology that would let you quantify the value of brand equity, it might cost more than the knowledge is worth.

    Let's start with the reason you want the information: What is the objective? What will you do with the answer? What's THAT worth? Why are you doing this?

    There are several articles (try the HBR) that deal with quantifying brand equity. As long as you buy the assumptions and methodology, they are probably OK for comparing one brand's value to another's. But they are all flawed if you're looking for a hard, quantitative answer.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    The Marketing Science Institute has a paper you can buy for $18 here


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