
Topic: SEO/SEM

Seo Question

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi everybody,

I know search engines like blogs and rank them higher. I have 3 domain names. 3 are homepage of products I sell, and another one is a blog.

If I want the domain names for my products to rank higher, can I set up a redirect to my blog? Would Google buy this?

For example: Sales letter, site that I want to rank higher Sales letter, site that I want to rank higher Blog, updated daily, search engines like it

So my idea is to set: Points to Points to

Will this trick make and get higher rankings?

Thanks in advance.

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted on Member
    Baaaad Search Spammer.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    From what I've read about SEO, moreover, Google in may be better off spreading the domains around to different IP addresses.

    I'm taking a course (free) via the following web site (you can too).

    I'm learning a lot about SEO and SEM. Can't say for certain this course is the end all be all, but, it sure beats googling SEO all night. :-> Hope it helps you

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted on Member
    Having the same IP address is very usual in web site hosting.
    One server usually has a few IP addresses, but can host hundreds or thousands web sites.
    It's the domain name that matters.
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    The tactics you mentioned will create more trouble for you then value in the end. I would suggest spending more time creating content rich pages to attract qualified leads.

    As for the IP question. I prefer a unique IP for each web server and mail server. The practice of having multiple sites on one IP is common. The problems start when search engines because of spam or fraudulent activities block that IP. All sites are then affected by the actions of one.

    Hope that helps,

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