
Topic: Branding

Re-branding / Imagery Thoughts Requested

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm leading a rebranding effort for an internal audit, compliance and risk management professional services firm and as part of the effort, we are trying to define the type of imagery that we want to use. I've seen previous postings in which the commentators express the need for our types of companies to try do something really differentiate ourselves. I have to agree, I do not want to join the fray of other professional services firms that proudly show uncomfortably close-up shots of people's faces or people sitting around a conference table. However, this begs the question - what do we use. Afterall, like most professional services firm, we are trying to sell the value, experience and professionalism of our people. So, my question is, what type of imagery can accomplish the need to highlight this kind of experience while at the same time differentiating us from the other firms that claim the same?
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I personally like mountains and views from high points. These have long signified mans quest. From the ancient Egyptians to Moses and to the Incas in Peru man has looked up to leaders who were perched high atop some mountain, pyramid, etc.

    Food for thought, I may be biased, my company is called River Heights Consulting.... hmmm?
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Humour works well to sell as you know but especially in a starched shirt/serious setting!

    Synchronized swimming with 'suits' is a concept rarely used ... calm, cool and incontrol in public eye, working like mad below the water/behind the scenes for the client even when still.

    Narrative describes jobs and qualities of firm personnel while swimmers in office garb 'workit' perhaps with phones or
    briefcases etc. with Esther Williams' type team dominoe entry and smiles. Loose the nose clips though ;)

    You should definately make a memory with something like this.

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