
Topic: SEO/SEM

Dealing With Trademarks On Other Ppc Campaigns

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am wondering how other people have dealt with trademark infringement issues on search engines PPC campaigns. For the last 6 months we've been debating if we should just ban everyone from using our trademarks, but then we get into the sticky situation of our distributors and resellers, who have a legitimate reason for using the trademarks: they're trying to sell it for us! Also independent hardware review sites should be able to use it as well.

I believe there is a way to say certain websites cannot use your trademark, but I don't know if I can actually keep up with that.

Any thoughts?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    This is a common problem I have come across. Definately ban them, they just cost you money. Letting them bid on your name or trademark does you no favours at all.

    I have seen this with several clients and they have all been better off protecting their trademarks .... just think about it, if someone is looking for a trademark of yours, they should be able to find you easily through natural search.

    If a competitor uses it, they take a customer away from you, and if an affiliate uses it, it just costs you a percentage of the sale.

    STOP them :-)

    Good Luck
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    I would re-read the policies of Google and Yahoo. Yahoo has recently but more "teeth" into their trademark policy. Google is under pressure also and I have noticed some modifications in their policy.

    The problem is the time needed to enforce it but if your
    distributors and resellers are main channels for getting your product/service to your customers/prospects, prohibiting them might not be the best solution.

    I have had customers have success simply be sending the violators a cease and desist letter from their legal counsel as a lot of the violators are just ignorant or are pushing the limit and waiting to see if they get caught.

    Along with this you can selectively enforce the violators, based off Yahoo and Google's policies, and use their resources to do so, this might be the other solution you want to explore.

    Here they are:
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I'm not sure of the process, but I know Google allows known trademarked names through if they are clerly shown with "TM" at the end of it.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Unfortunately its one of those debates where there isn't an instant right or wrong answer, just many variables that need to be weighed up before deciding what is best for your particular business. Best of luck.

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