
Topic: SEO/SEM

Google Adwords

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi All,

I am currently run a website in Google adwords. The website is

Currently I am getting 9-10% CTR daily but I have no return any cost/conversion.

Please suggest me Where is the problem?

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Swapan_seo,

    I think what you are saying is you are not getting any conversions, correct?

    First, a 9-10% CTR is very good, so clearly the problem is that you are landing people on the home page you gave - this IS NOT a good idea.

    Specifically designed landing pages is the key. There is no obvious call-to-action on your home page that would make anyone take a positive action in the 3-8 seconds they are going to spend looking for a compelling offer that matches the keyword/phrases they entered into Google and that you promised in your Google ad(s).

    I don't want to get into a website critique here because that is not what it is about.

    Your homepage/website certainly could use some improvements, but the reality is that it is not strong enough and singularly focused enough to convert through a Google AdWords program.

    That is why you need "Landing Pages".

    Now to answer what you can do about it, you need to learn as much as you can about landing pages and start developing them (yes, multiples) and start A/B testing them against each other matching them up to the series of rotating A/B ads that you run in AdWords.

    Only then will you be able to find out what combination of content, images and offer(s) provide the magic recipe that will lead to increased conversions.

    Lot of info out there, time to start Googling.

    I hope that helps.

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