
Topic: SEO/SEM

Google Website Indesing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all,

Suppose the site is new & no any page rank in google. So what the time to index a site by Google. What the techniques use where new site index in google immediately.


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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    It depends but if you are doing things right you should see your site at least getting indexed in about 90 days (indexed, not necessarily listed to where you can see it)

    You also need to check and see if the Googlebot spiders have visited your site and you do this by examining your log files.

    If you notice after a couple of months that Google is not picking up your site there can be many reasons why and the answers to this and more is available here:

    Basically, there are two ways to get listed in Google. You can opt to submit your index page to Google directly here:

    Using Google sitemaps won't hurt:

    Or you can wait until Google spiders your site automatically, usually by finding your site via links on already listed sites.

    Because of this you should actively seek to exchange links with other sites for a variety of reasons (link popularity being the key one). If you’ve just started out, links back to your new site will help the Google crawlers to find your site for the first time.

    Really, there is no simple solution, there are companies (like us) that make their living doing this, (organic SEO) so if you really need to get indexed and high-ranking, you might want to look into using one of them.

    Lastly, you can do as mentioned in the previous answer and implement a Google AdWords program, however, although this is also something that although you can undertake yourself you might want to get the help of a professional. (like us)

    If we can help you out further, please contact us.

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    1. Build your site with a lot of content, 250 -400 words will be ok for each page.

    2. Build your site with a great sense of seo i mean use css style not java or flash, at least meanwhile the site get indexed.

    3. Acquire some good links, (pr 4+) if your site actually fit into a category of wikipedia go for it without spaming or some editor will delete you.

    4. Update it daily (at least for a couple of weeks) it will make the crawler go more often

    I publish a blog recently (june 5th) and it get indexed in 3 days (for real) I put a link from another of my website (with different host) wich have a pr of 4, i got links for related sites, and i update it on daily basis the site has been cached so far 3 times, last one on june 17 and also i've received 7 visitors from a google search. So it's possible to get indexed quickly just do things by the google book (webmaster guidelines) =)
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Google sitemaps actually works to index your site quickly. Here is a good resource, step by step as to how to do this. (The article is actually titled "A Simple 4 Step Approach To Have Google Crawl Your Site Today Guaranteed!"). There are some issues with sitemaps that Google is continually addressing, but it does get at least your main page out there.

    Also has a way you can check your ranking and also has a great list of places you can get quality inbound links - which will boost your google rankings considerably. Be sure to NOT just get links to your site from wherever, because if Google sees links from non-reputable sources, your ranking can sink as fast as a brick.

    Another great tool is the Spider Simulator. It will show you how search engines view your site: ... There are also a ton of other useful tools on that site ... (

    It won't take you long to see why SEO people always have work. Getting and maintaining search engine rankings properly is very time consuming and never ending - but worth the effort.

    Hope this helps,

    XPRT Creative

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