
Topic: SEO/SEM

Marketing Policies

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am a marketing manager in a telecomms company and would like to formulate policies to guide marketing operations in my company. Currently there are none and I believe this is wrong as we end up doing things anyhow. So far I have not seen one policy on marketing field. My four questions: Which areas in marketing require policy? and may you guide atleast on how to go about drawing one. Who should approve this--CEO or Board of Directors---i know finance policies are approved by board members. Can we put all areas required in one policy say "marketing policy"? thanks all
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Hi Charles Komoto,

    Hope you're having a great day!

    To be honest it appears that most companies are not marketing friendly in terms of standard procedures, policies and modes of operation. We are fortunate to have Roy Young of Marketing profs who has written a great book called "Marketing Champions". In this book he gives some great advice on how to develop relationships within your company with people like the CEO, CFO and the COO.

    It sounds like the individuals above are the same people within your company you should work hard at making friends with. You would be wise to see how they perceive the policy making needs of the marketing department and maybe you already have. It's always important to win friends and influence people by gaining a better understanding of who they are. As you may already know Dale Carnegie always influenced people by finding common ground and then getting people to see the solution he had for them as their own idea. This is the only way you will forge relationships that will help you avoid rubbing people the wrong way. It already appears that this part of the experience (not having any policies for marketing) has been an area of rough waters with in your company. I'll come back to your question a little later but let me know what you think. Remember there are no real problems only a failure to be more creative than we've ever been. If you invent your opportunity you'll create your future. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Charles Kamato,

    In my experience working with corporations and not-for profit organizations I've found that the best way to begin the process of creating any change begins with getting to the root of the problem.

    Whether you're dealing with creating new policy or new approaches you've got to determine what are the pros and cons of your idea. When we pass judgement on the way things are don and we're trying to get our organization to begin approaching things from a new angle we must first make sure our judgement is sound. Now if the benefits out weigh the challenges we should go for it...and this doesn't have to be in a numerical way either i.e., larger number of solutions versus a smaller number of challenges. Sometimes the solution only has one benefit but that benefit outweighs all the minor challenges that may have to be made in order to bring the solution into manifestation. In this case it's still worth doing and making this process one of the policies of how we should approach it across our company. Some ideas that you want to make policy may impact the entire organization or it may only impact the department overseeing the specific duties.

    You will have to determine this as you are examining the ideas you believe will serve a greater purpose for your organization.

    Finally while maintaining the proper channels of relationships with in your organization petition for the opportunity to share this up the corporate chain. Sometimes this can be done easier at a lunch with the specific President, CEO or CFO of the company. You can bring the idea up in a casual conversation and mention the benefits of how you believe this may improve the overall functionality of your organization. After you have communicated your view point listen closely to the critique or compliments given. Adjust your ideas if there's are better and ask for suggestions on how to approach it. This way you have gotten your higher ups to critique and guide you on the next steps (this is how they begin to see the new solution as their idea in joint partnership with you for change).

    Is that they don't work the ideas they have been given. They fail to use what they've got. And they ignore what their customers are your case you're dealing with internal customers trying to inspire them to help you change something for the external please use the ideas above and you will do very well. Remember there are no real problems only a failure to be more creative than we've ever been. If you invent your opportunity you'll create your future. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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