
Topic: Branding

Key Success Factors For Fmcg Brand Launch

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear marketers,

please let's have a discussion about what are in your view THE critical key success factors while launching the new FMCG brand to the existing portfolio market. Specifically I am looking towards Eastern European markets, but all comments are welcomed also from other areas.
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi kristy

    your key success factors will vary depending on what you are launching..

    Q1: are you launching a new brand?
    Q2: are you launching a new SKU of an existing brand
    Q3: are you launching a variant/subbrand of an exting brand?

    the common key success factors are

    1. having the consumer insight which is translated into an unmet need
    2. identifying the target customers in terms of target audience
    3. what are the core values of the brand to win customers
    4. the tangible and intangible benefits fo the brand
    5. the Unique Selling Proposition
    6. the brand essence

    when you are launching into an existing portfolio, (i am assuming your new brand is different from existing brands) then following are CSF

    1. the brand positioning in the consumer mind vis-a-vis existing brands
    2. the brand proposition
    3. the brand essence

    once you have these, you will prepare your launch plan in ATL and BTL

    1. have the complete distribution plan and execute it
    2. the complete media communication plan (ATL) incl TV, press, Billboard, internet etc
    2. the trade marketing communication plan (BTL) incl POP, trade letters, shop signs, outlet branding etc.

    hope this helps. if you clarify your situation a little further then we would be able to help you better.

  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted

    Very nice article we should read:

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor
  • Posted on Member
    First & foremost the product must deliver what it promises (quality & price). Then you must sell the idea internally (all sales people & all employees including your bosses, too) by making sure they're all convinced & excited about the new product. Next you must convince the trade members why they have to support your new product. Incentify trade members if necessary without having to put your product image at risk of facing price instability.

    Once you secure product availability in the right outlets then ATL activities must follow to create awareness, interest, desire & product purchase. Otherwise if consumer offtakes are considered too slow then the trade members may loose their patient & reduce their support which deter your product availability & visibility.

    dskomala (a marketer from Jakarta - Indonesia)

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