
Topic: SEO/SEM

How Much Does Link Building Impact An Seo Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have a fairly new website that we're looking to optimize. As we research different SEO vendors, we are getting different information about how important link building is in comparison with kewyord density and other SEO tactics. Just trying to cut throught the clutter and get a handle on just how important link building is. Is it more important to some search engines than others?
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  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Member
    Hello Esu,

    If either you are referring to linkexchange partnership or to the link system on your site, it's very important. Search engines search for weblinks. From this point of view your website has to be very accurate created.

    Good luck,

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your responses. Ozeworks, it sounds like we do need to ensure that our site architecture is working to our advantage from an SEO perspective before we really invest a lot of time into other tactics.

    Your feedback definitely provides us with guidance on what to plan for with our upcoming SEO strategy. Thanks everyone!

  • Posted on Member
    I just finished an SEO project for one of my websites. I'm on the first page of google, yahoo, msn and many more. Links used to be important in SEO. They should be built in the final stages of your marketing plan. They help more with building traffic than high SERPS. Also, forget about link exchanges. If you are going to build any links, use articles and place your link deep inside the content. This gives it better visibility when reading the article which leads to more traffic. The engines also weigh these links more. The articles are also archived which means permanent traffic. So if your SERPS fall because of algorythym changes, you still have some traffic. That's all I can say until I know your keyword list and what market you want to target. Every market is different. Some keywords are so competitive it's pointless to try and target them. The engines weigh domain names on how long they've been registered. It will take at least 3-4 months for Yahoo to even organize your correct SERP. Google's a little faster. MSN is really quick. Their bot hits my website multiple times per day. Also, more google users seek quality. More msn users seek price. I did my own research into that. That's esclusive. You can send me your keyword list and domain name to I will you more detailed info as a favor. I'm no longer selling my web design or seo to anyone. I use it for myself. I can make more money that way.

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