
Topic: Branding

Need A Very Particular Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a realtor in Canada looking for a tagline -- I know, I know - isn't every realtor? In addition to all the regular "I am so-o-o honest and make your home buying / selling experience painless ,etc" , I have something that a lot of others don't, however, because my first name is Aphrodite (yes, like the Goddess) and I'd very much like to be able to use the equity in that for advertising purposes. I am Greek and my last name reflects that, so that most people recognize that I am not a stripper (lol)! My website address is

Any assistance that anyone can offer is greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    In order to come up with ideas, I did a tiny bit of research into your namesake. You may want to consider how well people know the mythology of the goddess before you go promoting your business that direction. From Wikipedia ( one of the characterizations of Aphrodite is: "Aphrodite, in many of the myths involving her, is characterized as vain, ill-tempered and easily offended. she is one of the few gods of the Greek Pantheon to be actually married, she is frequently unfaithful to her husband." Those are some personal characteristics you don't often hear realtors attributing to themselves! Using them would definitely set you apart!

    That was just a cautionary note. If many people are like me and are not all that familiar with mythology, you may get by with just an impression of "Goddess of Love and Beauty." Since you've invested in the concept with your web name and it's not like you'd want to change your first name, let's see if we can use it and have some fun:

    The goddess of finding beautiful homes you'll love

    Making real estate a beautiful experience you will love

    You'll love working with me

    Providing you with real estate wisdom handed down from Mount Olympus

    Why put your real estate (or home) needs in the hands of mere mortals?

    When you need more than a mere mortal in real estate

    The goddess of real estate (simple)

    Who do you think sold Mount Olympus to Zeus?

    Helping you avoid the myths in real estate

    Real estate isn't all Greek to me

    Summoning the gods to meet your real estate needs

    Anything else is an ugly experience

    More than just another pretty face

    For sale by goddess

    For a real estate experience you'll worship

    These "brainstormed" ideas may stimulate your thinking so you can come up with just the right one!

    I hope this helps.


  • Posted on Member
    Hmmm. Not sure where you want the focus. Goddess, or perhaps the meaning of Aphrodite? You also don't say what the tag line is actually attached to.

    I love your domain name. What's wrong with just "The Home Goddess" as it is? Why not build on that? Let people create their own connection in their minds according to their own perception, rather than trying to make a connection that they may not understand.

    Wayde's suggestion of "For Sale by Goddess" popped into my mind, but not as a tag line. It makes a great For Sale sign that will be remembered!

    If I see one more photo of an agent standing with their arms crossed I'll scream. Why not take the Goddess image to the max? Get a little silly. Be different. BE Aphrodite, the home Goddess! This love Goddess of the 21st century finds people beautiful homes filled with love. You're a beautiful woman. Get some good photos of yourself in Goddess attire. Put that image everywhere, including some billboards. The radio spots I can think of are endless.

    Think the silly approach will make you less professional? Think again. Every agent I have talked into getting "silly" has reaped the rewards. You see, so many people fear real estate agents and the home buying process. Getting a little silly in your marketing breaks the ice with this group. Once they call and talk to you they understand they are dealing with a professional.

    Others will appreciate your creativity and assume that you will be just as creative in selling their home. It really works.

    Just some thoughts. Bottom line is, when people think real estate, you want them to think Aphrodite, The Home Goddess.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    It's not all Greek to me!!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Roses are Red,
    Violets are Blue,
    Aphrodite has sold bunches of houses
    Yours could be next too!

    Corny but memorable.

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