
Topic: Branding

Naming & Branding For A B2b Legal Software Package

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm working with a company that has a software package that helps lawyers manage their case files. The current name is only mediocre and before we roll out a bigger, bolder marketing plan we'd like to come up with a better name.

I would like the name to be memorable, sensory (if possible) and have an image that creates a juxtaposition in mind ( not necessarily evoking a tech or software company). Perhaps like Raptor or Gladiator. The others want to go with a name that embodies the category and benefits of the product. Something like CaseController or Judicate.

I'd love to hear other opinions from the community as to pros and cons and philosophy.

Thanks very much!

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I couldn't agree more.

    The name and image needs to really tie into what the product does and what the end users are attracted to...not wht everyone in the office thinks is are too close to the product, so your opinions are bias.

    I would suggest allowing a professional view the software and cincult you on which way to go with a branding campaign. ONe really needs a lot of details and hands on experience with the program to help you with your identity.

    Fell free to send me an email if you require futher assistance.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    You neglected to say which lawyers you’re targeting. Sole practioners and small practice firm lawyers are typically more plaintiff case oriented and have entrepreneurial personalities. Fortune 500 corporate lawyers and big firm partners can be very different. Also, in the bigger firms you are likely to be selling to the administration director (members of Association of Legal Administrators,

    I agree with Vevolution regarding talking with your target and bouncing some name choices off of them. My experience in marketing to lawyers would suggest it’s better to keep the name somewhat straightforward and descriptive. Lawyers do not like cute. Also, try Google searches for legal software names and even the names of non-software products marketed to lawyers. I think you’ll learn a lot from knowing what names lawyers are seeing now.

    Good luck.

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