
Topic: Branding

Need Help Understanding Broadcast Roles In La...

Posted by telemoxie on 500 Points
I'm on the East Coast, and when it comes to producing radio and TV commercials, things seem pretty flexible and informal...

But while making calls to LA, the market is highly specialized. Agents might represent just one specific talent, e.g. hairdressers.

I think I'm getting the hang of it slowly, but I'd sure like to better understand the classic roles of:

- agents
- casting companies
- management companies

especially as it pertains to voice-over talent.

For example, I'm helping a fellow get launched in LA. I'm not an agent, because I do not negotiate fees (I'm a phone guy). Am I functioning as a "management company"?

Also, I have heard a rumor that an agent who only has offices in California can legally only represent talent who live in California. (If an agent has other offices, e.g. in New York, apparently they have more flexibility.) Anyone know about this? Thanks in advance
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    for example - my client has done lots of work on the East coast, but not much in LA... does anyone know how I can help my client get "industry referrals?"
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Add this company to your list.

    They have customers calling them looking for voice talent. It may not be exacltly what you are looking for, but they were looking for talent a while ago. Note the email address in the lower right corner. International company...sure wouldn't hurt to know them.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network

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