
Topic: SEO/SEM

Ppc In House Or Agency?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am currently looking into the viability bringing in our PPC activity from our agency.

Has anyone tried to do this before - if so can you help with the following:

How many people do you use to manage it based on approximately 20'000 keywords?

Do you incorporate the SEO funtion into the same team?
Does the team sit within Marketing or Online?

DO you find it more cost effective than using an agency?

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  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree with Roger, personally we outsource for experience and for the fact we have a lean marketing team. 20k keywords is a fairly large programme, we're no where near that.

    One thing i would suggest is having someone internally managing the agency (i am a client by the way not an agency!). Treat the agency as an extension of your team, avoid the temptation to leave them to it. Definately pool SEO and PPC together as Roger said....

    Your agency need to know everything about your business, key selling periods, product transition, customer detail. If they don't know your product inside out then you waste opportunities because they simply don't understand your business and how your customers tick. This has been a frustration of mine.

    Ask yourself
    - Do you trust them to do the best job they can?
    - Do they give you value for money?
    - Are they open to paid on performance (i.e. set targets for the next 24 months and reward with an increase in fee if they hit your target CPA)

    I know a team managing @ 15k keywords with an inhouse team of three. How much do you pay the agency and what size is the team?
    What would it cost to build an internal team (bearing in mind it costs more than just salary), plus licence costs for a ppc bid management tool (bidbuddy?)

    Now will you see any cost benefit?

    Perhaps if there is little benefit in moving inhouse, you could look at driving other channels to market.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    IF you have the skills in house to manage it, then do it, BUT be very careful, it's not as easy as everyone thinks. I manage PPC for a number of clients because they because overwhelmed by the task and it took them away from their day job, and understanding their market, customers and buyer behaviours.

    My clients have found my management of their PPC more cost effective, because I basically save them money (maybe the monthly management fee of 10 percent of their monthly spend is just too good!!).

    Anyway, good luck with whatever you choose.


    I have simple advice for business re-organising their online teams.

    They MUST report to a senior director. I don't care if that's an MD, Marketing, Sales or Commercial Director.
    If you have physical stores too they MUST be able to communicate effectively with, be trusted by them and have the senior clout to be heard by them.

    As a rule of thumb, organise your team as such:

    Head of Online

    Reporting to this person you have:

    Marketing Manager is responsible for developing propositions, affiliates, CRM, Pay Per Click (PPC), partnerships and online marketing.

    Operations Manager is responsible for sales and customer services, also responsible for Customer Experience and Fulfilment of product/solution/service.

    Development Manager is responsible for developing the website.

    I hope that helps.

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