
Topic: SEO/SEM

Working With Alexa Traffic Ranking

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Halo everybody,

i recently have this website
i already set the SEO for the site, and i think it's work fine, i optimize it everyday. was 4.000.000 and then increase into 1.400.000 on alexa traffic rank (, and it increase more, i really happy with this condition.

but lately this month, i check on alexa, the site is been decrease on traffic rank. what's going on?

can anybody tell me what cause alexa traffic rank increase or decrease?

is there any specific tactics for optimizing site page?

thanks in advance
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  • Posted by excellira on Member
    When developing and optimizing the site your visits to preview the work may be causing the increase in Alexa ranking. Since you've completed work, the ranking has probably settled to a correct level.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    i track my visit on by web stat, i knew that my visit doesn't have a lot impact on traffic, it's just 10% of all visit, so, i think it is not caused by my developing activity.

    am i rite?
  • Posted by Shell Harris on Accepted
    Alexa rankings should be taken with a huuuuuuuge grain of salt. Remember that Alexa can only track visitors who use the Alexa bar in their browser. That is why tech sites and web-related sites have high Alexa stats and rankings, because usually only persons who have an interest in Alexa rankings (a small minority to be sure) would install the Alexa bar to have their surfing monitored by Alexa.

    I know for a fact that my company site has an Alexa ranking near 90,000 but we only average about 200 visitors a day, while a client of ours averages 1,000 visitors a day and their Alexa ranking is 220,000. Why the difference? Well, we are a SEO company and many other SEO companies look at our site, who have Alexa bars installed, inflating our Alexa ranking. But our client who sells jewelry gets visits from people who have never heard of the Alexa bar and don't have it installed and therefore Alexa doesn't track as many visitors coming to their site.

    Bottom Line: Alexa is at best a tool used to get an idea of your traffic, not a tool to direct your SEO or marketing efforts.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Shell has filled in some of the blanks in my response. Because the toolbar install-base is so small in relation to the number of visitors on the web your one browser carries a lot of weight.

    Since Alexa is not tracking your total visits - only those with the tool bar - your web stats are not providing a relevent reference.

    The result is that by previewing your work numerous times per day your results are impacted by the strength of your vote.

    I have seen this countless times. When we're developing or optimizing sites, the Alexa ranking spikes. When we stop it seeks a more natural level.

    I hope this helps to further clarify your experience.


  • Posted on Author
    so, it's mean that alexa doesn't seem fair? it's only tracking a site with alexa toolbar? what happen to another non alexa toolbar site?

    is there any other better traffic rank site?

    because i think alexa is the largest well know traffic rank in the net. any comment ?
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Alexa is receiving feedback from the toolbars installed on the browsers of the site visitors. So, if you have the toolbar and you visit site X, then Alexa receives notification of the visit and adjusts its rankings of that site accordingly.

    If none of the visitors have a toolbar then, theoretically, your ranking should be the highest possible (Alexa works on an ascending ranking basis).

    One big problem with this arrangement is that the people most concerned with rankings use the toolbar. The numbers are easily skewed by one visitor visiting the site frequently. This error is compounded by the fact that site developers and SEOs aren't necessarily consumers of the product provided. They may not or probably aren't qualified users.

    How you rank in relation to the web really does not matter. What does matter? Visitor growth rate. Or, even more important: conversions (however you define them). Ideally the growth is through natural listings because they typically are the least-cost in the long-term.
  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Accepted Set up on Google Analytics and worry about the actual visits you are getting. That's what you care about anyway.

    This free tool gives you everything you need. I ahve all of my sites on it and I ahve a number of cleint sites using it as well.
  • Posted on Author
    thanks all for the respons. You all great.
  • Posted on Member
    We were able to boost our Alexa Ranking by more than 1000% in under three months for our website (

    You can learn more on how we did this here:

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