
Topic: Branding

Kotler Or Trump?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Philip Kotler is arguably the top marketing guru in theory. The Don of Superlatives, billionaire Donald Trump is the practical man's marketing guru. If you were running a business, who would you consult for marketing advice?
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hey theerrandboy,

    Although Donald Trump may be the most well known, and probably to most TV viewers even the most entertaining I'm not sure the real super intelligent staunch business woman or man will conclude you can accurately translate Trumps success into your business in a way you can see bottom line results. As a hungry *bookivore I have not found Trumps books to be the most informative or even as entertaining as Donald happens to be on TV.

    It's like eating Cake over Wheat Bread. Everyone probably will say Cake wins hands down. Although wheat bread is far less attractive to the tongues palette it's far greater in nutritive value and better regardless if the queen says "Let them eat cake". Now if I was trying to transform my business profits into a new market on TV Trump wins my vote hands down but that's not this case. (see below)

    Let me also say that while I'll admit Trump is extremely successful and I wouldn't mind examining his ideas in more detail than he ever puts into his books I would be more willing to allow Kotler to mentor me on my business endeavours and from the profits pay Tom Peters on showing me how to become a more evangelically compelling *MG. Remember our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Bookivore=(*someone who loves consuming books)
    *MG= (*Maestro Guru)
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Donald Trump is a real estate mogul, not the practical man's marketing guru. And he's an ass strictly into helping himself. Philip Kotler has dedicated his life to furthering the intellectual aspects of the science of marketing and sharing it with the world to improve everyone's lives. I wouldn't trust Trump with my business because his "help" would be to find ways to steal it from me while Dr. Kotler would indeed help me to succeed. Comparing the two, Donald Trump is like a guy hanging out on an internet corner with a vitual tin cup and a sign "Will take your money for nothing" and Philip Kotler is the sage in the Library of Alexandria. I choose Dr. Kotler.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    No different solution here - Kotler would be the way I go.
  • Posted on Accepted
    well comparison is not a great idea

    But still, if u want a philosopher and if u can implement the philosophies then its better to go with Kotler.

    But if u want to practically compete and win, try trump

    I would mix up both men's strategies in ur field and win over - thats the final goal rite.......

  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Bothe Philip Kotler and Donald Trump are self publicists. The difference as far as our readership are concerned is that Donald conducts his business through is ability to self-publicities, whilst Kotler self publicises because enough people actually find his work, theories and practice to be useful, so he would be a fool to eschew the route of self publicity. Donald courts it, Philip wins it.

    On a personal level, the Donald wants to buy a few thousand acres next to our family estates in Scotland to build some sort of golf-style-Disneyland.

    Well good luck to him. We might prefer Kotler as a neighbour or to be more accurate as an absentee neighbour, but Trump will bring millions to the local economy.

    He’ll be disappointed however in the number of invitations he gets to share in the appreciation of the local usquebaugh (the proper term for Scotch) in the highland retreats of our fellow clansmen. (And I’m only Scottish by osmosis and marriage)

    The aesthetic Kotler would be far more welcome, but he probably doesn’t have the clout to buy the estates and the chutzpah to develop them. Still, Donald is doing what he is best at – that is not marketing but bullying the other locals into selling up their rights to him.

    Thankfully my extended family have preserved the Peasant season along with the Pheasant season as up there, we don’t get much to shoot at apart from grouse.

    Loads of love

    Steve Alker
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would take a piece of advice from both of them ;) but If i really had to choose, id go for Kotler.

    He knows the theory but the man has worked or hasconsulted number of top global brands which means that he knows his practice as well.

    There is a problem with theory, its too narrow. Theory can never encompass the complexity of the real world. The practice, on the other hand, is impossible without some theoretical background. The two are co-dependant.

    I think its wrong to dimiss trump. he made some good decisions at the right time and at the right place. thats the secret behind a good entrepreneur. But put him in a different business, different time and place, and perhaps he would get lost. With Kotler however, he would find his way wherever and whenever, I think.

    What about Bill Gates, high school drop-out? Whose advice would you take, his, trump's or kotler's?

    Kisses to all,
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Hi There,

    I will follow Dr. Philip Kotler because he is simply great. He was selected as the fourth management guru of all time by the Financial Times and has been hailed by the Management Centre Europe as "the world's foremost expert on the strategic practice of marketing."

    Donald Trump is a successful entrepreneur. He starts his life from his family business. There will be different opinion every individual will like to address. If I want to start from scratch then it is time to listen to the person who will guide you most and that will be Dr. Philip Kotler.

    If you guys want to make any decision then I will suggest you to read the following article on Philip Kotler.


    M Bhor



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