
Topic: Branding

Brand Equity Challenges

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
As the market becoming more dynamic, the consumer trends are changing frequently. New products are introduced almost every sunday and wednesday. In this current situation, what are the criticalities to be focused in creating an everlasting brand?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Hmmm. This sounds like a very good "homework" problem! Please review the Important Guidelines

    In particular, #5. We will not do your homework for you. Also, you should use the "Student' category for problems.

    If I am wrong about you being a student and this being homework, or if you are a student and would like the help we can provide, please give us a little more information. To what industry are you referring? To what consumer trends are you referring? What do you mean by everlasting brand?

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    A brand is a lot more than a name and a logo. It's everything that goes through a consumer's mind when they think about it -- even how it relates to competitive brands, who they know that uses the brand, etc.

    The critical success factors for branding haven't changed. Be who/what you are, do it consistently, and make sure you're what you want to be at every point of contact with your target audience.

  • Posted by kannanveeraiah on Accepted
    Dear Gayathri,

    I too feel, like our experts in this forum, that your question sounds to be a homework related. Of course, it is good one and an issue for a business school discussion or for a thesis or dissertation.

    If it is so, you could gather a volume of information from these very forum - from its archives on Topics and "Q & A". Still, for any specific clarification or for additional information, you could ask further specific questions.

    Though a volume could be said in reply to your question, to make it simple, I feel that “Branding” is a dynamic (and continuous) affair :

    • Consumer behavior / Trend, Product Development, Brand development & Management and other marketing activities are looped into a cycle. The vibrancy / dynamism in one affects the other. That is, marketing activities also influence the consumer behavior while customer behavior itself is the initiator of marketing activity. This cyclic effect is a continuous affair.
    • In a very dynamic market condition a brand has to adopt itself to the condition. It is the innovation in branding that keeps it alive and growing. The very purpose of branding is to give a personality to the product or company and making it grow and progressively change so that it survives (sustains) and succeeds in the market place.

    Best Wishes,


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