
Topic: Branding

Looking For Slogan For Outdoor Media Owner

Posted by Lorenz Lammens on 125 Points
We are currently branding a new media owner that specializes in the outdoor advertising market, with a plethora of media opportunities. We are trying to concoct a slogan that would effectively show that this is an outdoor media owner and has an effective reach of audience. Previous suggestions given to me come short of being snappy and sexy:

connecting with audiences in
the out of home environment

simple, powerful,
effective & accountable.

Providing the most effective
out of home media solutions

The most effective
out of home media solutions

number one in
destination media

I am looking for your expertise to find a snappy slogan that shows that we are capturing audiences out of home.

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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Need to know the business name in order to fully conceptualize the branding statement.
  • Posted by Lorenz Lammens on Author
    Business name is depended on slogan.
  • Posted on Member
    Media In Motion

    Connexions.Out-Of Home

    Effective Media Solutions- Out of Home

    Destination: Media. Vehicle:Out of Home.
  • Posted by Lorenz Lammens on Author
    You are absolutely right, billboards do pollute the scenery. We offer out of home advertising in places where people have to wait (e.g. bus stands), and perhaps might be bored, or where they have fun (e.g. bars and night clubs).
    The niche of our medium is that it is not intrusive, positioned in places you would naturally enjoy distraction, and we have an innovations and ideations department that works on interactive adverts, inviting you to choose clips, vote or play with the ad, always aiming to deliver a relevant and positive brand experience.
    I very much believe that advertising should be regarded more as a service instead of an intrusive pain in the ***. Advertising should be produced on a level that people would search it out, and choose to interact because they want to. An advert should leave the consumer feeling enriched, and often marketers only look at pushing their brand.
    Thank you for your very interesting question.
  • Posted by Lorenz Lammens on Author
    So far shghosh has come the closes to creating effective slogans, but I am looking for something snappier, that just rolls of the tongue and locks itself in your brain instantly. I am aware that my aspirations are high, and thank everyone for their efforts.
  • Posted by sam on Member
    A few ideas.

    Don't be an introvert, be an Advert

    Don't be an introvert, be an Advert, get outside!

    Get outdoors and be seen

    Positive, Interactive, Relevant, Outdoors

    Let your brand experience the positive

    Giving your brand some sunshine

    Observe the power of outdoors

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by pghpromo on Member
    That's a very interesting idea, llammens: fully interactive advertising. Anyway, here's my 2 cents' worth:

    "No matter where you go, there we are."

    "Up. Down. In. Out. Media All Ways."

    "Media Here. Media There. Media Everywhere."

    "Everywhere We Go, People Want to Know."

    "The Media That is Out and About."

    "Modern Media for the Active Lifestyle."

    "We Reach You Where You're At."

    "Modern Media as Big as the Great Outdoors."

    "People-Driven Media Where Busy People Go."

    -- Paul
  • Posted on Accepted
    "Making more of Outdoor"

    Surely thats the money shot you're looking for llammens?
  • Posted on Member
    My vote goes to pghpromo's

    "Everywhere We Go, People Want to Know."

    I'd replace We with You to target at the client though.

    My 2 cent:

    "Outdoor : Insight" or just "Outdoor Insight"

    It's a word play because In Sight means "at or within a reasonable distance for seeing" while Insight means "clear or deep percetion of something." Both definites work well with your client's company.
  • Posted by Lorenz Lammens on Author
    Thanks all for contributing

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