
Topic: Branding

Titles Within A Brand Services Dept

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

Our company offers brand services such as consultancy, naming, identity design within the Brand Services Dept.

I need your help on the title of members in our department. What does it mean to you by "Brand Services Executive" or "Brand Account Executive"? Is there any alternative?

The so-called "Brand Services Executive" is a person who is to approach clients and persuade them on the service of our company (something like sales person). The "brand account executive" is to manage the account after the contract is signed.

Are the titles ok? I'd appreciate any comments from you.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I like Brand Account Executive- its in line with what the industry expects an account executive to be.

    However Brand Services Executive is actually a sales guy- call him- Business Development Executive; Consultancy Sales Executive,Client Contact Executive, Client Sales Executive.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    it should be Brand Account Executive/Manager etc. for those who handle clients (depending on the hierarchy)

    for those people who actually go out and bring new account/client should be titled Business Development Executive/Manager etc.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Brand Account Executive is the more clear title of the two. However, the term "Account Executive" has faced a lot of scrutiny over the last few years. It is highly impersonal and not very client-centric. The title has evolved and my preferred evolution is Brand Consultant. It suggests value to the customer, an element of expertise and motivates the employee to seek ways to provide insights for their client's business.

    With regards to your NBD position, 'Brand Services Executive' is quite vague and doesn't describe what I understand the position to be. Is there a reason why you want to stay away from using "business development" in the name? I.e. Business Development Executive.

    In my opinion, the titles in this case have 3 roles: 1. To be clear & descriptive, 2. To communicate value for the client, 3. To incite aspiration for the employee.

    I hope this helps.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi all
    Thank you very much for your comments. I enjoy reading the discussion.
    - I understand that the title should indicate some value to clients. That's why we want to avoid the word "sales" and want to add "brand" in the title. "Business development executive" is a good title but may not relate to branding.
    - The point is: we have 2 different positions. So there should be 2 different titles.

    One person is to bring the client to the company and in charge of managing the account after the contract is signed. S/he also gives consultancy services.

    Another person is at a lower level. S/he deals with the day to day management of the account. In other words, s/he is the contact person between the company and the client and is to assist the above person.

    Can you help me more? Im still not able to finalise an answer.

    Thanks and regards

  • Posted on Author
    Hi Sowmya
    I know it's quite confusing. In fact the two persons still work with the client both before and after the contract is signed but, the main different is about the level of involvement in an account. The account executive involves more with administrative work while the sales/consultant works more on knowledge on branding.
    Anyway, we find the discussing interesting and helpful. We'll discuss more in our company to see which titles best match our work.
    Thanks you all for your comments. Good luck and take care.

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