
Topic: Branding

50th Anniversary Event Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hello all,

We are jewelry store well know in the middles east and specially in our country, we sell high quality diamond and our customers are a very high end customers some of them spend around 200000 $ per year, next year is our 50th anniversary and at the same time we are opening a new stores in a new mall, I was hoping you can advice some nice ideas to make our opening of the new store and the 50th anniversary are memorable and distinguished, we are thinking of the below:
• Fashion show for a new line of jewelry,
• Maybe asks a big designer to do the collection for us, or we design it still (not sure) .
• Special invitation for our customers and some other potential customers.
• I’m worried about the decoration and the concept of the both event…
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi there

    aprt for your mentined ideas, you can do the following

    - Create a limited-edition range of jewellery for any festival on this 50th occassion and offer price discount or exclusive membership of an association or club on certian price amount purchase . (remember price discount may harm the image of the brand)

    - tie up with renowned Credit Card company and distribute flyers/brochures on your openning occassion

    - a longshot one: offer an "Exchange Offer" in whch consumers can give you their old jewellery (say gross weight of X gm)and adding some money(Y amount) they can get a new jewllery worth (X+a)gm. You can offer a certain carat worth of Diamond free!! THis will depend on your cost benefit ratio.

    - collect potential consumer information and then print promotion flyers and distribute them to working women at their office by promo team.

    also check the following link which has answers to similar question

  • Posted by mop on Accepted
    Most of my work is with the luxury market. It is very competitive and you need to stay on top of trends.

    Luxury buyers want more than a shopping experience. They want to be entertained. Shopping is for them a hobby. So entertain them with a multitude of happenings.

    For this anniversary, I suggest a very fancy golden ball.

    A 50 year anniversary is considered the Golden Anniversary. Use Gold as your theme. Everything should drip gold.
    First of all have a gorgeous, inventive, hand-made invitation designed. Hand deliver where appriopriate on a silver tray to your very best customers. Incorporate in each invitation, a small gold, quality gift.

    Hire the best caterer in your area. Make the food fabulous. Use gold throughout the table decor. If this is going to be a huge party, then after closing hours, keep your store open and rent the area in the mall all around your store. Put tables throughout this area, beautiful decor, dripping in the gold theme.

    Hire gorgeous models to walk through the venue, continually changing clothes and jewels.

    Within the store do a history of jewelry. Create a fabulous display showing how trends have changed since you have been in business.

    Design a 50th anniversary pin or ring or bracelet and sell it at cost just for that night... just for those attending.

    Have great music, hire some movie star types to mingle with the customers. there are lots of aging movie stars who don't get enough work to keep them busy. they can often be brought into an event for a reasonable price.

    Get word of mouth out about this party. That it is going to be the event of the season.

    Put sand in beautiful glass bowls all around the displays and in some of them stick real gold nuggets or real gems. Put a ticket in each invitation which allows the invitee a chance to scoop from the bowl of their choice. Have a golden ladle for each bowl and as they scoop, the sand goes through a strainer and if they are lucky enough, they will have scooped up a gem or gold nugget.

    You can reach me through my contact info if you need more help.
  • Posted by amelia on Accepted
    I agree with what mop has said - that it is your 50th anniversary screams 'Gold'. I would like to add some suggestions-

    1 I would give the event a name, to assist you in building a buzz about the event. People find it difficult to discuss an event of product if they don't know how to refer to it easily.

    2 Gold gift with invitation - this should combine with a more substantial gift offered to all guests at the event. It the combined state this will form the complete gift - which is the 50th anniversary commemorative pin/etc.

    3 Gift, invite etc should incorporate a symbol or shape which is the logo or symbol of your 50th anniversary - this will help build recognition prior to the event and also exclusivity of the gift after the event.

    4 It is worth noting here that although the event is one night, the entire year is your 50th anniversary – you should capitalise on it throughout 2007. This may include utilisation of the 50th anniversary branding throughout the year.

    5 Get the caterers to use real gold dust in the banquet and wines offered.

    6 Rather than having a famous designer work on the new jewellery lines, hire a famous movie star to make it a signature line. That way you have your own in-house designers do the work and maintain control of your product, but also have the cachet of the famous name.

    This individual would also be at the event - this would really need to be an A-lister though. I don't think you want 'aging stars' I believe you need the real, contemporary a-list presence (whether young or more mature). If you cannot achieve this, with a star that suits your brand values, then you ought to avoid the concept.

    7 I think the history of jewellery is a good idea, however I would do it throughout the year with displays that change monthly. You could focus on the jewellery of different periods and cultures, such as Pharonic, Byzantine, Incan, etc. Some of the items could be on display on the night of the event as well of course – which would give you an option on dressing the models in sexy costumes appropriate to the jewellery they are wearing.

    8 Your sexy-exclusive-wealthy-gorgeous brand elements are answered by the suggestions already put forward. For the 'exciting' element I would offer an activity of sorts eg. testing the latest in luxury sports cars on a quarter mile. Very James Bond.

    9 Your most important step is to find an event management company that can come up with concepts and manage all aspects of the event for you. For something lower end people do it themselves – for high end such as this, you get a professional and ensure it happens flawlessly. And no, I am not an event manager!

    Good luck with your anniversary. Looks like it has every prospect of being fabulous.
  • Posted on Author
    thank you all for your answers, what you suggested is great but I’m still looking for some more details , like I love the idea of gold , but I cant name it any thing related for gold because I’m well known for diamond !! Any suggestions that may help!! Also I love the idea of (I would do it throughout the year with displays that change monthly) do you mean as in every month adverting for one period of the history or every month compares differences between models or what ???
    I was thinking to allow the customers to test the Jewelry and wear it through the party with maximum security that the customer shall take off her jewelry once she enters the party and take any jewelry she likes form the display and the security guy should give her a card with 2 copies including her name and the piece of the jewelry she worn, did you watch (how to hate a guy in 10 days)!!1 same Idea
    If you can suggest any names for the idea I will be grateful
  • Posted on Accepted
    Carat Celebrations( its common to both gold and diamonds)

    Golden year of diamonds

    Golden Di ( pun on Golden Eye)

    Nothing like a golden anniversary. Nothing like the glow of diamonds.

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