
Topic: Branding

The Non-visual Elements Of Branding

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My firm (an Australian mid-tier accounting firm) have decided to rebrand -with good reason (I wont go into all of that). As marketing manager I have the visual elements under control - but more importantly, I now want to concentrate on the internal/non visual elements - ie our service offering and how we interact with clients. There is a great deal to be done so that our rebranding is not simply seen as a paint job. My question is this 'what elements do others recommend be included in this program?' It needs to be ongoing and encourage all to quite significantly improve their interaction with each other and clients.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    You have the right focus – your people. First thing off the top of my head is you could create some behavior standard that the customers will notice, matches the rebranding theme and all your employees can stick to. I recently saw a TV banking commercial that had all employees saying “may I...” before doing anything for the customer. It seemed a little over the top, but hey that’s what advertising is. If you could find a behavior that everyone could comfortable adhere to, I think this would reinforce your rebranding efforts with real customer experiences.

    Good luck
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    This has to come from inside. I can recommend some worksheets and/or websites for direction. There is a big long list of questions to ask yourself (and the company), then steps to take in order to implement.

    Feel free to send me an email for more info.

    Regardless, I'm sure someone will post a general list for you to go by, but there is not enough room to post a viable solution.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
  • Posted by williamarruda on Accepted
    Hello Katie,

    Bravo to you! The perfect re-branding won't help you unless you engage your entire brand community. It is the people in your organization that will make the brand come alive. The first step is making them aware of the new brand, what it represents and how it translates into brand behavior, you can then move into education and so on. The six-step process that we use can be found here. I hope it helps. Best of luck!

    William - where branding gets personal

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