
Topic: Branding

Image That Stays In Mind

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I’m trying to find an image that represents us as a company and that stays in mind.
Our business deals with financial products for investment banks. The product start by being an innovation and then it is standardized.
We can summarize our world into two parts: The volume business and the margin business.
The VB tends to look the same as any consumer product (equity, bonds, loan…) . The margin business is the innovation (exotic options, hybrid products). Our application allows capturing both. However we differentiate ourselves in being better in capturing the innovative product than our competition: we have a special structuring tool. The VB needs to be treated with less human intervention to reduce the cost, the process is called Straight Through Processing. While the margin business needs control.
I am thinking of an image that will strongly represent us. This image should reflect the standard business (plain vanilla) and the innovative part of it (exotics, hybrids). Since we are a bay area company, featuring the Golden Gate Bridge would be nice. Also our company name refers to the name of a sea nymph in Greek mythology. Your full creativity and suggestions are welcomed ;-)
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  • Posted on Author
    do you mean having the GG bridge appears in the middle of the space-like bridge ?? not bad, if this is what you mean. having the red GG bridge extracting itself from the colorless space like bridge represent the plain vanilla business and the GG is the innovation.
    I like your idea if this what you meant.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    I'm sure you've researched the mythology. I located an interesting etching by Hubert Maurer here which shows Hermes bringing a message from Zeus to Calypso asking her to release Odysseus whom she has detained for seven years. Nice picture, copyright free, and would look lovely in the foyer, but very difficult to turn into a logo.

    I notice the current logo reflects the marine connection but is silent on all corporate/business aspects. It could be a logo for a cruise line, boat rental or casual clothing company.

    I would suggest you should be looking for a single logo regardless of the product/service stream. Just as an airline has the same logo for all passengers whichever section of the aircraft they choose to pay for their seat.

    Your company looks quite substantial - I would recommend you consider retaining an experienced corporate identity designer. In Australia I would recommend Cato Design for two reasons:

    One, they are excellent, and have redesigned corporate image for years, with clients like Qantas, Commonwealth Bank, Macquarie Bank, etc.

    Two, the practice has a well developed set of processes to arrive at an answer that leaves you as the customer quite breathless with its precision and creativity. They are expensive. But excellent value for companies that wish to make their identity very clear and very well known.

    I'm sure there must be similar companies in San Francisco or LA.

    If not, Cato might be able to work with you over the internet. Have a talk with them - it will be helpful to work out your next step.

    I think it would be a near-insuperable challenge to arrive at the right answer using a text-based forum such as KHE.

    Bonne Chance


  • Posted on Author
    Well Merci ChrisB
    The image is very complex, but beautiful
    I am trying to find out an image that is different from our logo. Just an image that catches the person attention. Like the first thing a visitor will see on our web page.
    Our logo is well known in our area. I prefer not to touch it, but supplemented with a clear image.

    I will look at agencies in SF and if not I will contact Cato.

  • Posted on Member
    For a bank in the VB as well as Innovation space- technology is a great image to have. Shd you want to associate with GG that fine- but will that add to your brand as a bank?
    Heritage is a great platform to brand upon- geography, Estb Year 1912, etc but for a bank it has to be coupled with innovation, state of the art technology etc.
    Ideally look at an image of GG and make it full of data cables like arrows which give a look of quick, easy, efficient communication.
    Have branch teller/ relationship manager faces( professionally clad, warm expression) juxtaposed on that image.
    Hope this helps.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you very much for your wonderful ideas. FYI we are a software company selling to investment banks and not a bank.
    Kathy and Karen I would love to push further with your ideas. The video is excellent and the Bridge that fills the gap between two futuristic cities is very good. + "Bridge the GAP" is really talking ;-)
  • Posted by rjohnni on Member
    If we are all pretty gungho about bridging...then lets BRIDGE THE FUTURE'.

    You can keep a bridge that start as a proper bridge and transforms into digibridge....or transform into Currency brifge

    In this level the old and new coexist, the GG bridge stays and morphs to the future...though you might need an excellent art guy to solve your visual situation..

  • Posted on Author
    It is exactly where I am struggling : finding the right art guy who can execute the ideas found in this forum :-(
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Gaynelle. My first idea was for the website alone. but if it turns to be a visual that can be used everywhere:
    Business cards, Collaterals: I would like to extend. I will not know until I see the design complete in front of me. I am looking right now for a designer, hopefully I will find one in SF.

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