
Topic: SEO/SEM

Submitting Articles To Article Sites.

Posted by Lorenz Lammens on 50 Points
Hi all,

quick question: when submitting my articles to article sites -

do I submit the same article to all the different article sites,

or do I need to write a different article for each article site.

I am submitting with the following sites:
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  • Posted by Shell Harris on Accepted
    Optimally you want to submit a slightly different version. Realistically you will probably submit the same article. We submit the same article for client budgetary reasons, but if you can change it up so much the better.

    If you don't have the time to edit the article each time, you can change the title and that will help.

    If you put the article on your site, try to make it a different version to the article directories. You will get better results if the version on your site is unique.

    I can't guarantee this will help, but you may wish to wait after you put your article on your site until the search engines pick it up and then distribute it. This way, if your article is the same or similar to what you distribute then search engines may credit you with having the original version and give it ranking over other duplicate versions.

    Good luck and try for at least one quality article per month. It has worked for our clients when other link building methods are integrated.
  • Posted on Member
    Hello Ch-ch-changes. You can submit the same version it's not a problem. Submitting different articles to each of the article sites is a waste of time in my opinion. You'd better use that time to find better ways of getting links towards your site.

    Also I would like to let you know that you can add my site to your articles list, it will get at least a PR3 in the next google update and will get to at least PR5 in the future. The articles are reviewed 48 hours so you won't have to worry about waiting forever for your article to be accepted.

    Best wishes, Razvan

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