
Topic: SEO/SEM

Recommendations For Seo Tools/software

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi All,
I'm looking for anyone who can recommend any web based SEO tools that can help us with optimization. I've been looking at but was wondering if there is anything better of if anyone has experience with this site.
If it matters our site is [inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Shell Harris on Accepted
    I realize I am not answering your question as you would like, but I would seriously consider hiring someone to look at your site who understands how to optimize a site and market your site to the search engines.

    The information you are going to get from those tools is hardly going to give you the strategic plan you are going to need.

    Those software tools can only look at high ranking sites and try to report what they are doing. And when you run the report they will show you, for example, the the #1 listing has the keyword listed in the title 2 times and in the first paragraph 3 times, so you should do the same. The problem is there are so many factors involved you need to look at it from all sides with the knowledge to understand what your site needs. More links pointing to the site may mean less keyword density is needed on the home page. More links with the right keywords in the link may mean less links are needed.

    It would be worth it to have a SEO consultant evaluate your site and give you a report of what needs to be done. The report should be tailored to your site. General reports that regurgitate numbers without thought behind them are of little value.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    I'm going to recommend some free reports and one of the best SEO tools I've used.

    There is a software package available that will help you analyze your web site and give you extensive recommendations, as well as help you track your sites progress or egress. Click here to check out the software:

    This same tool will also help you develop an extensive linking strategy, and build a network of refferals to your web site, and help you discover tons about your competitors and their web sites. Really, it is an extensive tool!

    There are two free reports that you can download to learn more about SEO and how to improve your web site's performance.

    Book one is a free 160 page ebook entitled 'Proven methods for successful search engine marketing' and here is the link to download it:

    Book two is a free ebook entitled 'How to get high quality in-bound links' and here is the link to download it:

    The software I recommended also offers a free monthly enewsletter where you can learn more and keep up to date with even more SEO education.

    Of course, you might also consider having your site optimized by a professional, that can cost from 200 to a few thousand dollars.

    You could also buy Traffic Blazer SEO support here:

    Hope this helps you, and others.

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted by easyE on Accepted
    I recommend spending $25. and investing 9 hours of your own time in training at: and do it yourself. You will be surprised how easy it is and you will have a complete understanding on how it works. - This is the best I have found - I keep a year membership!
  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Accepted
    My colleagues have posted many useful answers. Our firm is in the SEO business and I would strongly suggest the following programs- they will give you all you will need and then some!

    WEBCEO- best invesment you will ever make.

    Word Tracker:

    Also subscribe to Danny Sullivan's newsletter

    And last but not least make certain you have a good way to capture your analytics and trends:

    Hope these help

    Good Luck & Happy Marketing ~

  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Member
    PS: just took a fast look at your site you have a google ranking of 2 out of 10 -

    There is some inherent problems in your source codes that will hamper your efforts the above software I suggested should point you in the right direction, but also work on a little more content on your home page.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Bill, I downloaded the free version of web ceo to try out.

    Could you point out some of the inherent coding problems so I can look into them. I'm not an expert and have basically learned all this over the years by myself, so obviously make quite a few errors.

    As far as paid SEO folks, It's either do it myself or don't do it at all. No money in the budget until I get further off the ground on my own. So, sorry to all those subtly looking for work - I'm not a prospect.

    To those offering advice and free resources, I can't possibly thank you enough and any advice and feedback is appreciated more than you know.

    My only hope is that I can return the favor to others in the future.
  • Posted by Shell Harris on Member
    I have used IBP from Axandra and Web Position Gold. Neither gives you the custom tailored advice you need. This can only be given by a competent SEO consultant. It is worth the investment to pay someone to critique your site and give you specific instructions on what to do for your market.

    Even when we write a proposal we do the research beforehand and then decide what tasks would be best suited for the client. That is a big reason all of our clients stay with us and rank highly. Customize solutions.

    And no software product can do more than analyze numbers (how many links, how many times a keyword is used and so forth). These tools may offer a good start but they cannot give you the whole plan.
  • Posted on Member
    WEBCEO and IBP are probably the most popular among SEO Professionals without their own software.


    However, you need to be careful not to 'over-optimise'.

    It's really worthwhile to find out a bit more about the topic before doing too much.

    Probably the best place to start off with is SEO Book.


    It's also worthwhile outsourcing your campaign without using software.
    Consider using sites like Guru Digital Point and Elance to find good people.


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