
Topic: SEO/SEM

How Do I Better Tag And Metatag My Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am using MIcrosoft Office Live Basic, where I have built a simple site.; It was easy to build, but I now see Mr. Gates does little that is important in enabling SEO.. (According to the Office Live message board, over 2000 small business website builders are complaining nobody can find their sites.) Furthermore I understand that certain tools that let you build a path to Google are not possible in Office Live.
Therefore, I am left with tagging and meta tagging. All I have done is enter the keywords I believe are most important and put them on all 8 pages--without reference to the content on that page. I have one meta tag that Google spit out when I first registered with them and have put that as the meta tag for each of the 8 pages, as well. I know my site is registered, but both Google and Yahoo show only two references. I think this means neither site even acknowledges the company name on 8 web pages.
Bottom Line: My 2 university degrees ain't much of a help. Wasn't it Thoreaux who said "Men lead lives of quiet desperation"? That's me. Help.
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  • Posted on Member
    Don't put the words directly on the page! This is called keyword stuffing and is not looked upon nicely in the search engines.

    Meta Tag wise, it generally changes with the content of the page. The keywords may stay the same, but the description (should) ideally change with each page and describe what's on it.

    As an aside, putting up a website doesn't mean you'll show up for the terms you want - it's no longer "if you build it, they will come".

  • Posted by Shell Harris on Accepted
    I would also look at for keyword research. Better than Wordtracker in my opinion, but using both is a good idea.

    I have written the same advice to so many people I have posted on my SEO blog what to do to get your site ranked.

    You can find a checklist of what to do when you read Seven Secrets to SEO Success and take a look at all my SEO Tips. I believe all your questions can be answered there. The bottom line is you need more links to your site and quality writing with keywords placed in your text with moderation.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Perform keyword research prior to doing anything. To do this you will need to get in the head of your customer and also find quantities on number of searches and competitors to determine if the keyword is worthwhile (this is information not fully provided by Google).

    If the search volume is too low it does not matter how much competition there is. If there is too much competition then it does not matter how many searchers there are.

    Effective keyword research is something that takes time to learn. If you don’t have the time to essentially become an SEO then you should hire someone. If you do, then do it yourself. The rub comes when you try to research on your own project. Invariably, my customers want keywords that relate but are of low quality and I have to convince them that there are better keywords that are also more targeted.

    Keywords can be the same on each page IF the content relates to those keywords. If not, change them to reflect the content of the page. I would not duplicate description tag or title tags. Keep keywords to a minimum. Maybe one to three per page.

    Placing keywords on the page is not keyword stuffing. Placing them on the page and/or in tags in quantities which exceed specific levels for each SE is.

    Our responses are the SEO tip of the iceberg. But, it is good to start somewhere. :-)
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    I know this question is closed but I thought your question needed an answer:

    To simplify: There are meta tags for other purposes but the most common are pieces of html code placed in the head section of a web page to describe what the page is about. This code is hidden to visitors but is "visible" to search engines (they read html).

    Here is a link regarding meta tags that might help further clarify:

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